This book was written in honor of all of the unique and dynamic families that exist.
Stieg and Forest go on a quest to find out where all their friends came from, what those families look like. Along the way, they discover that each family is unique and special, no matter how many or who is a part of it.
Love, curiosity, and the journey toward peace filter through the pages of this beautiful tale that urges children to ask questions about their realities while crafting their origin stories alongside those they care about.
As a therapist, author Stephanie Wijkstrom believes it's important for children to learn more about themselves and others from a young age so they are more willing to adapt to change and be curious and kind when exploring our world.
"Wow!! This is a well-written book with a simple message for kids of all ages: We all may come from different backgrounds and have our own unique histories, yet the common denominator that makes for a happy childhood is LOVE. As a licensed psychotherapist who has worked with kids, adults, and families for more than 30 years, I believe this message is an important reminder for all of us!"
Sarah Rashmee Souri, MSW, LCSW
"Such a cute book! I love that it normalizes the different ways people become parents, and that there's no 'best' kind of parents or story. It addresses the black and white way of thinking that most kids use to interpret their lives. The most important part is that children felt loved and cherished by whoever chose to raise them. Many of my client's describe feeling defective/different because they experienced childhoods different from their friends. I try to build an understanding that they were loved by other people in their lives, whether that be grandparents, neighbors, or families of friends, as a source of feeling loveable."
Stephanie Davis, LPC, Therapist