About the Book
Dictionary of God's Powers
Power comes from the Latin word potere, which means "to be able." But things with power are much more than able - they're able to exert a lot of force.
Three form of power only exist in the universe, and this three powers form other powers, but one power give birth to other forms of powers know as Divine Power, only God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as this form of Power.
With Him nothing was made that was made, He is the beginning that begin the beginning. (Romans 13:1 says, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God). No power anywhere both in heaven and on earth that is not ordain by God, the word (ordain) means approve by God. Without His approval no power, that will be. Three forms of powers: - Divine Power: This power originate from God alone, has no beginning and no end, will continue forever and ever. By this power all powers join together in Him. Either good or bad, all powers join to Him, He is the owner.
- Supernatural Power: This another form of powers giving to angels by God. God is not supernatural beings, because all supernatural beings are caretaker, their work is to take care all that God have made, their powers is only to perform duties in their hands, to serve God, man and creature. They see that work committed in their hands works well. Supernatural beings are no source of powers, but can give the power in their hands to one another or use it to help others.
- Human Power: This another form of powers giving to man by God, and is strong enough, and more than supernatural beings powers, but sin and iniquity committed remove man from throne and glory where his power flow. That means, his station (Garden of Eden) where he have this full right to demonstrate his powers, he lost is, and now walking up and down, seeking for what he lost, those who suppose to serve him and now enslaving him. Soul of man was not earthly, is not only God breath, but God, Son and Holy Ghost in their contribution, make man, that is why man is higher than angels. Man cannot replace angels, and angels cannot replace man. In flesh (earthly, angels are greater than man) but in the Soul man is greater than angels. By the breath of God angels are made, but by the Divine, God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, man soul where made. The breath of God bring the spirit of man to life. That means angels may be equal to man spirit, but not equal to man Soul.
Jesus Christ did not die for the spirit of man, but He die for the soul of man. Also Jesus Christ did not die for angels which are spirits, but He die for the Soul of children of men. God cannot be angel (supernatural beings) but God can put on the nature to get something from their realm, then you can talk about God with the eagles wind, which is impossible for Divine to need those things. And again Jesus will shout with the voice of the arch-angel, does Divine have need of such no. But to called all souls which arch-angel are in charge the voice of care taker is needed, which are angel. God can never be angels (supernatural beings) but can use them, such as influencing them, or helping them to do his Command, God can send angels to do His Will. Angels cannot command God, but God pray God concern His Will.
Us cannot be angels, and angels cannot be man, but man can command angels over the Will of God, to do it or act on it, and they will obey, because is God Will. Angels can command man or influence man, as long as human is in human flesh. Powers man need, angels have, because everything was committed into the hand of angels, to help man out, if man did not use them, it became hard for men to get. And angels need man to pray to God according to His Will, so that they can arise and work, because the will of God, enable them to act. Why is
Dictionary of God's Powers explain all powers