Vincent Duru is a meningitis survivor with a colourful past. Born to a middle-aged parent, he started out to please his mother's wish for him which was to become a catholic priest. 17 years into the journey, he made a U-turn against the wish of his family and decided to explore what the universe has for him. He chose to take the tough part to life and was determined to make a better life himself. Against all odds, he established himself in the UK. He is married to Queenlynda Duru. They have a daughter, Aubrey and another one on the way.
In The Diary of the Healed Man, Vincent shared his astonishing life story of his struggles with bacterial meningitis and a whole lot of complications that came with the sickness like Myositis, Rhabdomyolysis, Acute kidney injury, sepsis, ischaemic contractures of the upper and lower limbs, necroses and amputations of the toes, chronic wound and pain management, vascularitis, bilateral profound sensori-neural deafness, bilateral vestibulopathy, oscillopsia, pericarditis to name but a few complications.
He was hospitalised for more than 9 months in all, underwent multiple surgeries including reconstructive plastic surgeries with bilateral gracilis muscles, cochlear implant surgeries, necrotic debridement and more, attended more than 300 hundred outpatient appointments, lost his job, car and apartment; lost most of his friends and colleagues and lastly was rehoused in a care home with cerebral palsy patients.
Through all these, Vincent never allowed what happened to him to define his character and personality. Rather, he believed strongly in the power of positivity. Its not what happens to us that defines us as human, rather how we respond to what happens to us makes the whole difference. Vincent demonstrated his existential outlook through all his ideals and is determined to use whatever life throws at him to build himself up rather than allowing himself being torn down.
Whoever you are, whatever your beliefs, Vincent's story has the power to calm your worries and inspire you to beat the odds in your life. his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full recovery.