Author, Sa' Mara Psalms; candidness and openness of her journey have propelled by leaps and bounds in her recent fourth published poetry volume. Creating a poetic guidebook for girls and each of you. Volume IV is enclosed with positive life-changing lessons to carry with you, through your life's journey. Sa' Mara, touches the root of how her experiences in her youth are unanimously connected to her adult life and ultimately her LOVE life. It can be a tear-jerking read, but enlightening to your own journey at the same time.
Sa' Mara is the author of the innovative reality poetry series titled "The Diaries of Sa' Mara Psalms." Her renowned poetry book's Volume I: Tears, Honey, Hip- Hop and Passion, Volume II: Bitter; Sweet Heart String Symphony, Volume III: Water will not Wash Real LOVE and Fire will not Burn Real LOVE and now presenting Volume IV: Only if, the Older Me Now, Could Have Spoken to the Younger Me Then is an unveiling memoir series in poetic form capturing Sa' Mara's LOVE expedition and her day-to-day reflections through a young girl's eyes starting in the beginning era of the third millennium-the year 2001. Sa' Mara's, poetry is a modern American classic LOVE story and is adored within her inner circle and worldwide. Her groundbreaking poetry forces her readers to feel her journey and actually walk in her footsteps, all while remaining in a pioneering never tapped into poetic formation and rhythm.
I give to you my poetry; torn directly out of the pages of my diaries. Where I put ink to paper, expressed my most inner private feelings, where I wrote prayers to GOD, romantic LOVE letters, poems, psalms, mantras and just ultimately let my gift of writing that GOD gave me take over my diary's pages. This poetry book is the writings from my fourth diary out of many many more.
Volume IV: Only if, the Older Me Now, Could Have Spoken to the Younger Me Then was written in 2005, soaring me into an inner dwelling of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. In this transcendent place and new truthful direction, I received a conquering soul and the keys that I would need to continue this journey with deep-seated fortitude until the end. In the guiding light manner of my poetry-it was chaperoning me and aiming me in the right direction, directly into the very face of real LOVE and rapidity toward becoming my better self without any breaks or speed-bumps. Volume IV's masterpiece and assemblage of poetry transparently conveys the surge of maturity I received and how I diligently pursued after the source that is higher than me. I turned my face to my Creator's will and surrendered to what life was naturally showing me versus what I may have thought I wanted in this youthful mindset I personified at the age of 24. My third poetry book is the writings from my third diary titled Volume III: Water will not Wash Real LOVE and Fire will not Burn Real LOVE was written in 2004...