About the Book
Preface. Dr. DANIELA VERDUCCI, Co-President of The World Phenomenology Institute (European Division), University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy
PART 1. ENCHANTMENT OF LIFE, NATURE AND ONTOPOIETIC ECOSYSTEM Chapter 1. The Importance of Eco-phenomenology in the Understanding of Pandemic Crisis: New Turns and Concepts. Dr. habil. phil., MAIJA KŪLE, professor, senior researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Chapter 2. The Ontopoietic Phenomenology: Orchestrating an Ecological Vision of Life. CARMEN COZMA, professor, Department of Philosophy, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania
Chapter 3. Logos, Logic, and the Explication of Life. Dr. OLGA LOUCHAKOVA-SCHWARZ, Clinical Professor at the University of California, Davis Adjunct Lecturer in Spirituality and Phenomenology of Religion, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley, USA
Chapter 4. People on the E(e)arth: Eco-Phenomenological Turns of Life and Vital life Understanding in Current Situation of Humanism/Post-humanism. Dr. phil. ELLA BUCENIECE, senior researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Chapter 5. The Body as an Ontopoietic Ecosystem that Somatizes Otherness. ROBERTO MARCHESINI, Centre Study for Post-human Philosophy, Bologna, Italy
Chapter 6. Sharing-in-Life: Man, Nature, Community. Dr. philol., ZAIGA IKERE, professor, University of Daugavpils, city Daugavpils, Latvia
Chapter 7. Conscious and Unconscious Life - the Origins of Unconsciousness. BENCE PETER MAROSAN, Budapest Business School, College of International Management and Business, Budapest, Hungary
Chapter 8. Attitude and Neutralization. To the Origin of Fictions: "Being", "Nothingness", and "Time". VICTOR MOLCHANOV, professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Chapter 9. The Concept of Life (Existence), Logos and Ontopoiesis. DOMINGUEZ REY ANTONIO, Departamento de Lengua Española y Lingűística General, Facultad de Filologia, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain
Chapter 10. Eco-Phenomenology and the Question of Being and Being-in -the -World. OLIVER HOLMES, Professor of European Intellectual History, Wesleyan University, USA
Chapter 11. The Harmony between Human and Cosmos as Problem of Sense. FRANCESCO TOTARO, professor, University of Macerata, city Macerata, Italy
Chapter 12. My Pen is Smarter then Me. (On the background of existential phenomenology, phenomenology of life by Tymieniecka Anna-Teresa and on the phenomenology of human person by American philosopher Robert Sokolowski). Dr. phil. MAMUKA DOLIDZE, professor, Tbilisi Javakhishvili State university, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Chapter 13. On Harmony. DEBIKA SAHA, Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India PART II. HUMAN CONDITION IN THE PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENT: SPACES, DWELLINGS, FEELINGS AND SENSATIONS
Chapter 14. Returning Home. ALGIS MICKUNAS, professor, Ohio University, USA
Chapter 15. Aesthetics of the Uncanny - Sacred Spaces and Environments. THOMAS RYBA, Director of Religious Studies, Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies and Philosophy at Purdue University, President of and Notre Dame Theologian for the Aquinas Educational FoundationSt. Thomas Aquinas Center, State West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Chapter 16. Psychic Involvements and Spiritual Reactions at Time of the Pandemic Disease. A Phenomenological Philosophical and Psychopathological Approach. ANGELA ALES BELLO, professor, Pontifical