✓ Do you know the main psychological techniques to treat pathologies related to stress?
People can learn to control the effects of psychological stress to achieve a greater well-being and a more pleasant and peaceful life.
Among the many relaxation techniques, there are only few comforted by more experimental demonstrations, mainly used to reduce harmful stress (distress):
★ Mindfulness-based stress reduction
★ Relaxation response
★ Autogenic Training
★ Progressive muscle relaxation
★ Biofeedback
✓ Do you know how psychopharmacology are used in stress-related diseases?
Drug treatment with antidepressant medications is aimed at reducing the burden of suffering and discomfort, and it can help improving anxiety and sleep disorders in a few weeks.
The clinical data and experimental results support the use of antidepressant drugs in stress-related disorders as they are effective in:
♥ Changes in mood
♥ Anxiety disorders
♥ Restoration of the physiological functioning of the HPA axis
♥ Raising the pain perception threshold
♥ Improvement of cognitive functions
✓ Do you know how the relation stress and depression works?
A prolonged exposure to stress (distress or pathological stress) that does not determine a favorable adaptation, can have pathological consequences, mainly, but not exclusively, related to mood disorders.
The main factor that determines the functional and/or pathological consequences of exposure to stress is represented by the genetic structure, and great attention is paid to the long-term effects induced by stress exposure during development period.
✓ Do you know how to transform stress in well-being and health with culture?
With "culture" we can mean things as eating and smoking habits, genetic heritage, exposure to toxicity or stress, but also the level of income or quality of relationships, the doctor assigns a relatively minor role on the expectation of life.
This is bringing us to terms such as "quality of life," "well-being," and "satisfactory life" that can have a significant impact on our perception of the stress, with negative consequences on both physical or mental disorders.
✓ Do you know the most updated tools to diagnosis stress and somatization disorders?
The DSM-5 tool contains symptoms, descriptions, and other criteria for mental disorders diagnosing, to provide professionals with clear indications on how to treat patients, in order to identify:
⚠ Somatization symptom disorders
⚠ Acute Stress Disorder
⚠ Post-traumatic stress disorder
⚠ Adaptation disorder
✓ Do you know how to find a diagnosis of stress-related diseases in legal-medical field?
In addition to the exquisitely legal-medical nature of the issues to correctly classify the pathology, we also need to consider the patient's previous state. Some tools and approaches can help in these cases:
◆ The consequences of stress on legal-medical interests (e.g., Work-related stress, Mobbing in the workplace, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD)
◆ How the evaluation should be carried out (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, Rorschach)
◆ Assessment of psychic damage in civil liability
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