Lifelong learning is currently a major concern of governments who wish to see their citizens remain employable while the job market changes. Critical to this are digital learning centres where learning is delivered through internet access or via CD-based packages. Access to these turns public libraries and community networks into 'multi media neighbourhood superstores' where print-based learning materials are enhanced by multimedia. The multiplicity of sources of learning materials and experiences reinforces and extends the traditional role of the librarian as mediator between the user and their needs. To support and foster these activities frontline public library and community network staff must be capable of offering user support and advice in a much wider arena. This requires training in new knowledge and skill sets.
This timely new book offers practical guidance and expertise for public library and community network staff in setting up, running and developing an effective digital learning centre based within the People's Network or in a related community networking initiative. It has a holistic focus on the use of ICT, taking staff beyond user training applications into areas of network management, e-learning, digitization, web design and XML that staff face on a day-to-day basis. Key areas covered include:
PC installation and maintenance
managing a network and coping with the security issues of internet connection
understanding and supporting lifelong learning
digitization of local materials
managing websites and intranets: site design, metadata, XML
building local community portals
implementing e-government
social inclusion and service extension: assistive technologies
service issues: copyright, access
user and staff training.
: This book will de-mystify this new area of development for all library and information staff working in, or setting up, a PC-based digital learning centre in information service settings within public libraries, community networking centres, and school and academic libraries.