Join musician, writer, and speaker Shelle Graves on a life-changing journey deep into the heart of what it means to be an African American person of faith in society today.
At a time when questions of race, justice, identity, and destiny are more important than ever, Graves offers the wisdom and insight she has gleaned from her own experiences with despondency, rejection, and racial struggle.
Incorporating a broad range of writing styles that span many different genres, the author speaks about issues such as slavery, the KKK, racial inequality, and African American home life-all the while weaving themes of faith and hope through each and every one of them.
This is a must-read for anyone who cares about finding answers to hard questions...and who seeks hope for personal redemption, cultural renewal, and social restoration. Deliver not only addresses psychological and social dimensions, but also provides sustenance for the heart and soul by offering readers a drink of living water from the fountain of life.
About the Author: Shelle Graves is a gifted musician and speaker who, classically trained, particularly enjoys African American Negro spirituals. She has written and performed several one-woman shows about the women of the Bible, as well as pieces focusing on other parts of history.
Graves has served with her husband doing both stateside and overseas mission work. She believes they are called to engage all people with the themes and truths of the Bible through the avenue of artistic expression.
Graves thanks God for her ability to write in service of His kingdom work. Deliver is her third book weaving together faith, suffering, and the redemptive hope of salvation. Her other titles include Royal Conversations and Bloody Tambourines.
Graves and her husband have been married for twenty-four years. They have three children.