Are you an open-minded Christian searching for a deeper spiritual relationship with God but don't know where to start? Are you ready to impact the world with your gifts? Are you ready to manifest your MAGNIFICENT Life? If you answered, "YES," THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
No, we will not teach you how to be a Genius; You are already that. Rather, as you read each page, speak affirmations, and complete our journal prompts, you will see a BIGGER picture of Christ. The bigger He is in your mind, the greater results you will achieve, for it is impossible to separate your Genius from Him.
This book will catapult you into manifesting your HIGHEST Purpose. Come and take the #GeniusJourney with us.
"My friends, when I first started reading books on various subjects such as the law of attraction, mindfulness, chakras, reiki, self-help, and more, I started growing immensely. But not only that, pieces of the giant jigsaw puzzle that appeared fragmented for most of my life started to become clearer and focused. I started seeing a bigger picture of who God is, which changed my life immensely and impacted those around me! I started having more Joy, Peace, and happiness in my life, yet something was still missing. You see, I was brought up in the church, so as much as these new book topics were transformative, the one question I asked as I read each book was, "Where is Jesus Christ?" And so, I went on a hunt for Him. I was determined to find Him in every book I read, whether in studying the fundamentals of quantum mechanics or seeing His influence in religions outside of my own. As I continued to read, I could feel Him getting closer.
Then, one day, my friends, I found Him!!! I'll never forget the day. I was sitting out on the Porch with Tia, and I said to her with tears in my eyes, "He's EEEVVERRRYWHHERRRRE!!" I finally realized the key to finding Jesus Christ in any space is to first FEEL His presence there, which, for me, was feeling Him in every word I read. I cried like a baby when I got that revelation. I cried because I realized the very thing I was looking for, my Genius, was right in front of me all along. Oh, my friends, Christ is not separate from any of those "new age" subjects - He IS One with all of them and more!"
Defrag Your Life, Discover Your Genius (Porch Talk 3)