About the Book
After rousing endorsements for his first book, Soul Storm: finding God amidst disaster (Reflections from a Hurricane Katrina Survivor), Bruce Smith brings the existential struggle of the Covid 19 pandemic to life. The book is a raw, real life, in depth analysis, of the most central issues: politics, healthcare, cultural realities, faith, pain, suffering, death, economic survival, global realities, and more. He is at once a philosopher, theologian, psychologist, economist, art historian, and social commentator. Each of those focuses, in the book, offer much insight into how we navigate this unique historical event. What are we to do when life is completely changed overnight? How are we to make sense of such massive structural change on so many important human levels? Can our politics grow into something more humane and productive? Will our societies devolve or morph into something more fundamentally human? Are we headed for a Depression? Why does God allow such misery in the world? Can any good come of this? The author looks at what we are learning through this pandemic, as a national people, a global community. He wrestles with a new understanding of what is truly "essential" in our lives. His reflections on intensely vulnerable episodes of his own life contribute much to discussions on loss, betrayal, grace and restoration. Discussions on our current political climate and the dangers that loom if we don't change, offer a poignant dose of reality and warning. This is no sugar-coated, easy bake formula for success, book. Rather, it takes an honest look at life on a broken planet, and offers meaning and hope amid the worst of things. Bruce Smith's knowledge of history, politics, and world events, offers a strong framework to address our most pressing issues, with a balanced, yet, challenging perspective. His metaphors, using art, natural disasters, farming, and war, capture the mind and bring the reader deep into the action of life. A read that is rewarding, but not simple. A book that will stay with you. You are likely to laugh out loud, and then weep through the next pages. Neither sanitized nor typical, this book will call you to think deeply, feel fully, and long for more of the existential journey it offers. In the end, it turns out to be, the most balanced, nuanced, and substantial book on this historic pandemic, and what it means for us as humans. Whether you pick it up while on lockdown, or take it with you when life begins again, you will likely read it in a sitting or two. It is that good. This could be the most important book you read this year."...a must-read for all of us who have asked the question, 'why.' But not only will this great book answer the 'why' question, it will answer the 'how, ' 'who, ' and 'what' questions we have all asked..." --Dr. Fred Luter, former President of Southern Baptist Convention"The most obvious virtue of his writing is its scope. There is something for everyone-on-the-scene narratives..., autobiography, literature, philosophical reflection, biblical analysis, and meditations on the meaning of suffering." -Dr. Leland Ryken, C.S. Lewis Scholar, Wheaton College "This is the message our people ... our nation, need right now. Bruce offers us words of healing written with artistry. Like a great jazz composition, this deserves a hearing..." -Jason and Ellis Marsalis on Soul Storm: finding God amidst disaster"In this work we find that brokenness can actually catapult people toward God's best...in turning toward God, we can find passion and purpose for rebuilding our lives..." -Dr. William Hamel, former President of Evangelical Free Church of America "A very personal reflection on life...storms, the survival instinct, and the innate need in each of us to sort out the moral reason why."-Gene Mills, Louisiana Family Foru