But what if it all isn't true?
All the ideas I have concreted as absolutes in my mind from my journey as a young girl, to a young woman. The ideas that burn in the back of my mind coming from social media, friends, school, relationships, family, the world, life?
I wish I had someone to tell me that certain things were not what they seemed growing up.
Maybe you're different, but I grew up constantly comparing myself to other girls. I thought I had to achieve perfection in every which way from my body, to my grades, relationships,
personality, and social media presence.I thought perfection wasn't a pursuit but a standard. I believed that in order to be loved, I had to achieve. I felt I was no more worthy than the approval of the person whom I was dating, how many followers I had on Instagram, or whether or not my back-fat was visible when wearing a sports bra .
But what if it all isn't true?
Perhaps, who you are is something deeper than all of those things; buried down, deep inside you, in a place you haven't yet been able to tap into because you've been suffocating under the pile of lies this world fed you to take as gospel.
Dear, Beautiful Me serves as a reminder of the truth about who you are- who you really are and are called to be in this world. It is a vehicle not to teach you anything new but catalyze the un-learning of all the world-fed beliefs you have mistaken as your worth for far too long. By addressing the different wide-spread beliefs that women have accepted as truths about their value but could not be further from, this piece is designed to bring you back in touch with the most authentic you there is; the one you estranged long ago when you started to indulge in the things the world told you to become.
Because, what if it all isn't true?
Perhaps the first step in becoming who we are truly meant to be, is unbecoming everything we are not. That starts with stripping ourselves of the lies we have worn as irrefutable verities for far too long.