An Up-and-Comer ........... Darrell Schweitzer
Stephen Woodworth, A Carnival of Chimeras.
Lovecraft Country: A Bumpy But Enjoyable Ride ........... Greg Gbur
A Weird Tarot Deck ........... Michael D. Miller
Richard Gavin, Grotesquerie.
Legerdemain at The Last ........... The joey Zone
Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, The Big Book of Modern Fantasy.
Dark's Gothic Use of Time Travel ........... Karen Joan Kohoutek
Other Worlds, Other Voices ........... Daniel Pietersen
Melissa Edmundson, ed., Women's Weird 2. More Strange Stories by Women, 1891-1937.
Ramsey's Rant: The Urge To Splurge ........... Ramsey Campbell
Sharpening a Dulled Blade: A Conversation with Jason Carney, Editor of Whetstone ........... Alex
"A Monstrous Rhapsody on Otherness" ........... Jerome Winter
James Goho, Caitlín R. Kiernan: A Critical Study of Her Dark Fiction.
Ambiguous to a Fault ........... Géza A. G. Reilly
Michael Griffin, Armageddon House.
A Trade in Futures, Part II ........... Dan Raskin
Starlight in One's Hand ........... The joey Zone
Leah Bodine Drake, The Song of The Sun: Collected Writings.
Nodens in the Nutmeg State ........... Edward Guimont
Sam Gafford, The House of Nodens.
Sandalwood and Jade: The Weird and Fantastic Verse of Lin Carter ........... Leigh Blackmore
June Ruins Everything ........... June Pulliam
Short Reviews of Streaming Horror Film and Television for the Covid Era
Devil's Night Investigated: An Interview with Curtis M. Lawson ........... Géza A. G. Reilly
The Light That Never Warms ........... Michael D. Miller
The Lighthouse, dir. Robert Eggers.
About the Contributors