About the Book
Excerpt from De Iis, Quae in Testamento Vetere Commemorantur, Prophetarum Societatibus Monographiae de scholis pruphetarum exstant hse: P. We mnfel:, Dissertatio de scholis prophetarum, Basil. 1701. Soldati, Sciographia scholarum prophctarum in Maii disse.... Selection. Tom. P. 651. 652. Zinck, i Dissert. De prophetarum scholis, Gott. 1737, in Kahlii dissertatt. J. H. Bering, Abhandlung von den Schulen der Propheten, Brevi. 1777. Schwebel-mieg, Do propbeta rum scholis quas forant commentatio theol. Parte. I, Straub. 11833; praeterea jac.altingii Opp. Tom.v, dissertationum Academic. Heptas, Gron. 1671. De Samuelis schola scr�pserunt: Distr. Winkler, Vindica tio scholae iiiv� Samueli: pr0pheticae, Hildesb. 1754; Nachtigal, Upher Samuela saenger-versammlung oder Prephetenschule, in Henk... Magazin f�r Religionsphilosopbie, Exegese u. Kirchen geschichte, Helmst. 1796. Occasione data d�sputarunt hac de re (cuius fit mentio e1in Talmude ld10: D ed Ams1.; 1p all.) abon-esra, Kimchi, Abarbanel in Comm.; Molinaws, Yatya L. I. C. 18. 19, Lugd. Bat. 1640; Th. Burnet, Arch. Philos. L. I. C. 7, Loud. 1692; Herrn. Witsius, Miscall. Sacr. Pars I. L. I. P. 75 sqq., Lugd. 1695; Camp. V�tringa, De ayung. Votare, L. I. Pars I]. C. 7, Franequ. 1696; Joh. Gotti. Carpzov, Dissert. De ecclesi�e Judaicao prophetie in genere, Lips. 1714; Buddeus, H�st. Ecclesia. V. T. Tom II. P. 276 un., Lips. 1715; Waebner, Antiquit. Ebraeor. Vol. II, p. 794 sq., Gotting. 1742; Theod. Gui]. Joh. Jujnboll, Causes quibus eflectum sit, ut regnum Judas dintias perstiterit, quam regnum Iurael, p. 92 sqq., Lovanii 1824 Staeudlin, Geschichte der Sittenlehre Jesu p. 197: De Wette, Lehrbuch der hehr. Jaed. Archaeol. P. 274 sq.; Knobel, Prophe tismus der Hebraer, Th. II. P. 39 sqq.; Winer, Bibl. Reafwoerterb.; Bengstenberg, Beitraege zum A. T., II. P. 146; Christologio I. P. 404 sq. Ed. Il; Keil, Commentu zu d. B. B. Der Koenige, p. 349 sq. Cf. Handbuch der bibl. Archaeolog�e Vol. II. 5 132; J. L. Saalschuetz, Das Mosaische Recht p. 132, 133; Thenine, Die bb. Der Koenige erklaert p. 278. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.