In 1996, Following the success and popularity of the "Dragon Ball Z" anime series, Toei Animation decided to extend the franchise beyond the original manga. The new anime series was titled "Dragon Ball GT", with "GT" being short for "Grand Touring" or "Galaxy Touring". In 1997, The Chinese "Xinjiang Youth Publishing House" made a 20-volume fanmanga series of "Dragon Ball GT"'s "Dark Dragon Ball" and "Baby" arcs. For this restored edition, every page has been cleaned by hand and translated to English.
Age 789: Goku is turned back into a child by the "Ultimate" or "Black Star" Dragon Balls, that scatter across the universe after being used. Goku is therefore forced to leave on a journey to collect these Dragon Balls along with his granddaughter Pan and Trunks. The trio has already retrieved two Dragon Balls, one on planet Monmasu, and a second one on planet Calvo. However, just as they obtain the second Dragon Ball, they have it stolen from them by a mysterious stranger...
This book contains volumes 5 and 6 of the original "DBGT" doujinshi, for a total of 264 pages.
THIS IS A DOUJINSHI (FAN MANGA).Based on the characters and story by Akira Toriyama. Please support the official series. "Dragon Ball", "Dragon Ball Z", "Dragon Ball Super", "Dragon Ball GT", "Dragon Ball Kai" and all other logos, character names, and distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of Akira Toriyama, TOEI ANIMATION, BIRD STUDIO, SHUEISHA, FUNIMATION, VIZ MEDIA, GROUPE AB, GLENAT, NAMCO BANDAI, ATARI and other respective license holders unmentioned. This book was not prepared, licensed or endorsed by any entity involved in creating or producing the "Dragon Ball" series. It is an independent, unofficial work made by fans, for fans, that has no connection to the official license.