You're Much (Much) Closer To Having A Great Dating Life Than You Think
You look in the mirror, and all you see is someone that nobody would want to go out with. Or, whenever someone does come along, you start acting bizarre and screw it up.
Self-doubt. Anxiety. Generally feeling like you suck.
This makes you feel miles away from ever handling this part of your life.
So maybe you start chasing an idea of "a player". Or maybe you give up.
The reality though is a little different. You don't have to chase an idea, and you're actually a lot closer than you think.
Let me explain:
You don't have to be rich, famous, or a male model. You just have to be above average.
Women's standards aren't as high as you think they are. They aren't looking for a Mr. Confident, Rich, Playboy, with chiseled features and washboard abs.
They just want a guy who's not a pushover, has his life together, takes care of himself, and is nice to cuddle and eat ice cream with.
No matter how crappy you feel about your life now. No matter how much of loser you feel now. No matter how far from attractive you feel now. NONE of that is hard to achieve. Especially the ice cream part.
This guide isn't filled with unnecessary techniques or complicated theories. It's just a simple, step by step process, that helps you learn what you need to learn and do what you need to do in order to get out of your own way for good.
Simple actions that produce massive changes.
This book is about showing you how to do this by teaching you the essential skills you need to learn, helping you build a more rewarding life, and getting you in touch with your sexuality and your identity so that instead of hoping she likes you - you're going on dates wondering if you like her.
Forget putting you back in charge of your dating life. This puts you back in charge of your life.