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Data Mining And Predictive Analytics, 2nd Ed

Data Mining And Predictive Analytics, 2nd Ed

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About the Book

This updated second edition serves as an introduction to data mining methods and models, including association rules, clustering, neural networks, logistic regression and multivariate analysis. The authors apply a unified “white box” approach to data mining methods and models. This approach is designed to walk readers through the operations and nuances of the various methods, using small data sets, so readers can gain an insight into the inner workings of the method under review.

·Data Preparation
·Statistical Analysis
·Association Rules
·Enhancing Model Performance
·Further Topics

About the Author

Daniel T. Larose is Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Director of the Data Mining programs at Central Connecticut State University. In addition to his scholarly work, Dr. Larose is a consultant in data mining and statistical analysis working with many high profile clients, including Microsoft, Forbes Magazine, the CIT Group, KPMG International, Computer Associates and Deloitte, Inc. Chantal D. Larose is a candidate in Statistics at the University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on the imputation of missing data and model-based clustering. She has taught undergraduate statistics since 2011 and is a statistical consultant for DataMiningConsultant.com, LLC.

Table of Contents:
Preface Acknowledgments Part I Data Preparation Chapter 1 An Introduction to Data Mining and Predictive Analytics 1.1 What is Data Mining? What is Predictive Analytics? 1.2 Wanted: Data Miners 1.3 The Need for Human Direction of Data Mining 1.4 The Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining: CRISP-DM 1.5 Fallacies of Data Mining 1.6 What Tasks Can Data Mining Accomplish Chapter 2 Data Preprocessing 2.1 Why do We Need to Preprocess the Data? 2.2 Data Cleaning 2.3 Handling Missing Data 2.4 Identifying Misclassifications 2.5 Graphical Methods for Identifying Outliers 2.6 Measures of Center and Spread 2.7 Data Transformation 2.8 Min--Max Normalization 2.9 Z-Score Standardization 2.10 Decimal Scaling 2.11 Transformations to Achieve Normality 2.12 Numerical Methods for Identifying Outliers 2.13 Flag Variables 2.14 Transforming Categorical Variables into Numerical Variables 2.15 Binning Numerical Variables 2.16 Reclassifying Categorical Variables 2.17 Adding an Index Field 2.18 Removing Variables that are not Useful 2.19 Variables that Should Probably not be Removed 2.20 Removal of Duplicate Records 2.21 A Word About ID Fields Chapter 3 Exploratory Data Analysis 3.1 Hypothesis Testing Versus Exploratory Data Analysis 3.2 Getting to Know the Data Set 3.3 Exploring Categorical Variables 3.4 Exploring Numeric Variables 3.5 Exploring Multivariate Relationships 3.6 Selecting Interesting Subsets of the Data for Further Investigation 3.7 Using EDA to Uncover Anomalous Fields 3.8 Binning Based on Predictive Value 3.9 Deriving New Variables: Flag Variables 3.10 Deriving New Variables: Numerical Variables 3.11 Using EDA to Investigate Correlated Predictor Variables 3.12 Summary of Our EDA Chapter 4 Dimension-Reduction Methods 4.1 Need for Dimension-Reduction in Data Mining 4.2 Principal Components Analysis 4.3 Applying PCA to the Houses Data Set 4.4 How Many Components Should We Extract? 4.5 Profiling the Principal Components 4.6 Communalities 4.7 Validation of the Principal Components 4.8 Factor Analysis 4.9 Applying Factor Analysis to the Adult Data Set 4.10 Factor Rotation 4.11 User-Defined Composites 4.12 An Example of a User-Defined Composite Part II Statistical Analysis Chapter 5 Univariate Statistical Analysis 5.1 Data Mining Tasks in Discovering Knowledge in Data 5.2 Statistical Approaches to Estimation and Prediction 5.3 Statistical Inference 5.4 How Confident are We in Our Estimates? 5.5 Confidence Interval Estimation of the Mean 5.6 How to Reduce the Margin of Error 5.7 Confidence Interval Estimation of the Proportion 5.8 Hypothesis Testing for the Mean 5.9 Assessing the Strength of Evidence Against the Null Hypothesis 5.10 Using Confidence Intervals to Perform Hypothesis Tests 5.11 Hypothesis Testing for the Proportion Chapter 6 Multivariate Statistics 6.1 Two-Sample t-Test for Difference in Means 6.2 Two-Sample Z-Test for Difference in Proportions 6.3 Test for the Homogeneity of Proportions 6.4 Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit of Multinomial Data 6.5 Analysis of Variance Chapter 7 Preparing to Model The Data 7.1 Supervised Versus Unsupervised Methods 7.2 Statistical Methodology and Data Mining Methodology 7.3 Cross-Validation 7.4 Overfitting 7.5 Bias--Variance Trade-Off 7.6 Balancing the Training Data Set 7.7 Establishing Baseline Performance Chapter 8 Simple Linear Regression 8.1 An Example of Simple Linear Regression 8.2 Dangers of Extrapolation 8.3 How Useful is the Regression? The Coefficient of Determination, r2 8.4 Standard Error of the Estimate, s 8.5 Correlation Coefficient r 8.6 Anova Table for Simple Linear Regression 8.7 Outliers, High Leverage Points and Influential Observations 8.8 Population Regression Equation 8.9 Verifying the Regression Assumptions 8.10 Inference in Regression 8.11 t-Test for the Relationship Between x and y 8.12 Confidence Interval for the Slope of the Regression Line 8.13 Confidence Interval for the Correlation Coefficient p 8.14 Confidence Interval for the Mean Value of y Given x 8.15 Prediction Interval for a Randomly Chosen Value of y Given x 8.16 Transformations to Achieve Linearity 8.17 Box--Cox Transformations Chapter 9 Multiple Regression and Model Building 9.1 An Example of Multiple Regression 9.2 The Population Multiple Regression Equation 9.3 Inference in Multiple Regression 9.4 Regression with Categorical Predictors, Using Indicator Variables 9.5 Adjusting R2: Penalizing Models for Including Predictors that are not Useful 9.6 Sequential Sums of Squares 9.7 Multicollinearity 9.8 Variable Selection Methods 9.9 Gas Mileage Data Set 9.10 An Application of Variable Selection Methods 9.11 Using the Principal Components as Predictors in Multiple Regression Part III Classification Chapter 10 K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm 10.1 Classification Task 10.2 k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm 10.3 Distance Function 10.4 Combination Function 10.5 Quantifying Attribute Relevance: Stretching the Axes 10.6 Database Considerations 10.7 k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Estimation and Prediction 10.8 Choosing k 10.9 Application of k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Using IBM/SPSS Modeler Chapter 11 Decision Trees 11.1 What is a Decision Tree? 11.2 Requirements for Using Decision Trees 11.3 Classification and Regression Trees 11.4 C4.5 Algorithm 11.5 Decision Rules 11.6 Comparison of the C5.0 and CART Algorithms Applied to Real Data Chapter 12 Neural Networks 12.1 Input and Output Encoding 12.2 Neural Networks for Estimation and Prediction 12.3 Simple Example of a Neural Network 12.4 Sigmoid Activation Function 12.5 Back-Propagation 12.6 Gradient-Descent Method 12.7 Back-Propagation Rules 12.8 Example of Back-Propagation 12.9 Termination Criteria 12.10 Learning Rate 12.11 Momentum Term 12.12 Sensitivity Analysis 12.13 Application of Neural Network Modeling Chapter 13 Logistic Regression 13.1 Simple Example of Logistic Regression 13.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 13.3 Interpreting Logistic Regression Output 13.4 Inference: are the Predictors Significant? 13.5 Odds Ratio and Relative Risk 13.6 Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Dichotomous Predictor 13.7 Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Polychotomous Predictor 13.8 Interpreting Logistic Regression for a Continuous Predictor 13.9 Assumption of Linearity 13.10 Zero-Cell Problem 13.11 Multiple Logistic Regression 13.12 Introducing Higher Order Terms to Handle Nonlinearity 13.13 Validating the Logistic Regression Model 13.14 WEKA: Hands-On Analysis Using Logistic Regression Chapter 14 Naïve Bayes And Bayesian Networks 14.1 Bayesian Approach 14.2 Maximum a Posteriori (Map) Classification 14.3 Posterior Odds Ratio 14.4 Balancing the Data 14.5 Naïve Bayes Classification 14.6 Interpreting the Log Posterior Odds Ratio 14.7 Zero-Cell Problem 14.8 Numeric Predictors for Naïve Bayes Classification 14.9 WEKA: Hands-on Analysis Using Naïve Bayes 14.10 Bayesian Belief Networks 14.11 Clothing Purchase Example 14.12 Using the Bayesian Network to Find Probabilities Chapter 15 Model Evaluation Techniques 15.1 Model Evaluation Techniques for the Description Task 15.2 Model Evaluation Techniques for the Estimation and Prediction Tasks 15.3 Model Evaluation Measures for the Classification Task 15.4 Accuracy and Overall Error Rate 15.5 Sensitivity and Specificity 15.6 False-Positive Rate and False-Negative Rate 15.7 Proportions of True Positives, True Negatives, False Positives and False Negatives 15.8 Misclassification Cost Adjustment to Reflect Real-World Concerns 15.9 Decision Cost/Benefit Analysis 15.10 Lift Charts and Gains Charts 15.11 Interweaving Model Evaluation with Model Building 15.12 Confluence of Results: Applying a Suite of Models Chapter 16 Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Data-Driven Costs 16.1 Decision Invariance Under Row Adjustment 16.2 Positive Classification Criterion 16.3 Demonstration of the Positive Classification Criterion 16.4 Constructing the Cost Matrix 16.5 Decision Invariance Under Scaling 16.6 Direct Costs and Opportunity Costs 16.7 Case Study: Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Data-Driven Misclassification Costs 16.8 Rebalancing as a Surrogate for Misclassification Costs Chapter 17 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Trinary and K-Nary Classification Models 17.1 Classification Evaluation Measures for a Generic Trinary Target 17.2 Application of Evaluation Measures for Trinary Classification to the Loan Approval Problem 17.3 Data-Driven Cost-Benefit Analysis for Trinary Loan Classification Problem 17.4 Comparing Cart Models with and without Data-Driven Misclassification Costs 17.5 Classification Evaluation Measures for a Generic k-Nary Target 17.6 Example of Evaluation Measures and Data-Driven Misclassification Costs for k-Nary Classification Chapter 18 Graphical Evaluation of Classification Models 18.1 Review of Lift Charts and Gains Charts 18.2 Lift Charts and Gains Charts Using Misclassification Costs 18.3 Response Charts 18.4 Profits Charts 18.5 Return on Investment (ROI) Charts Part IV Clustering Chapter 19 Hierarchical and K-Means Clustering 19.1 The Clustering Task 19.2 Hierarchical Clustering Methods 19.3 Single-Linkage Clustering 19.4 Complete-Linkage Clustering 19.5 k-Means Clustering 19.6 Example of k-Means Clustering at Work 19.7 Behavior of MSB, MSE and Pseudo-F as the k-Means Algorithm Proceeds 19.8 Application of k-Means Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner 19.9 Using Cluster Membership to Predict Churn Chapter 20 Kohonen Networks 20.1 Self-Organizing Maps 20.2 Kohonen Networks 20.3 Example of a Kohonen Network Study 20.4 Cluster Validity 20.5 Application of Clustering Using Kohonen Networks 20.6 Interpreting The Clusters 20.7 Using Cluster Membership as Input to Downstream Data Mining Models Chapter 21 Birch Clustering 21.1 Rationale for Birch Clustering 21.2 Cluster Features 21.3 Cluster Feature Tree 21.4 Phase 1: Building the CF Tree 21.5 Phase 2: Clustering the Sub-Clusters 21.6 Example of Birch Clustering, Phase 1: Building the CF Tree 21.7 Example of Birch Clustering, Phase 2: Clustering the Sub-Clusters 21.8 Evaluating the Candidate Cluster Solutions 21.9 Case Study: Applying Birch Clustering to the Bank Loans Data Set Chapter 22 Measuring Cluster Goodness 22.1 Rationale for Measuring Cluster Goodness 22.2 The Silhouette Method 22.3 Silhouette Example 22.4 Silhouette Analysis of the IRIS Data Set 22.5 The Pseudo-F Statistic 22.6 Example of the Pseudo-F Statistic 22.7 Pseudo-F Statistic Applied to the IRIS Data Set 22.8 Cluster Validation 22.9 Cluster Validation Applied to the Loans Data Set Part V Association Rules Chapter 23 Association Rules 23.1 Affinity Analysis and Market Basket Analysis 23.2 Support, Confidence, Frequent Item sets and the a Priori Property 23.3 How Does the A Priori Algorithm Work (Part 1)? Generating Frequent Item sets 23.4 How Does the A Priori Algorithm Work (Part 2)? Generating Association Rules 23.5 Extension from Flag Data to General Categorical Data 23.6 Information-Theoretic Approach: Generalized Rule Induction Method 23.7 Association Rules are Easy to do Badly 23.8 How can we Measure the Usefulness of Association Rules? 23.9 Do Association Rules Represent Supervised or Unsupervised Learning? 23.10 Local Patterns Versus Global Models Part VI Enhancing Model Performance Chapter 24 Segmentation Models 24.1 The Segmentation Modeling Process 24.2 Segmentation Modeling using EDA to Identify the Segments 24.3 Segmentation Modeling using Clustering to Identify the Segments Chapter 25 Ensemble Methods: Bagging and Boosting 25.1 Rationale for Using an Ensemble of Classification Models 25.2 Bias, Variance and Noise 25.3 When to Apply and not to apply, Bagging 25.4 Bagging 25.5 Boosting 25.6 Application of Bagging and Boosting Using IBM/SPSS Modeler Chapter 26 Model Voting and Propensity Averaging 26.1 Simple Model Voting 26.2 Alternative Voting Methods 26.3 Model Voting Process 26.4 An Application of Model Voting 26.5 What is Propensity Averaging? 26.6 Propensity Averaging Process 26.7 An Application of Propensity Averaging Part VII Further Topics Chapter 27 Genetic Algorithms 27.1 Introduction to Genetic Algorithms 27.2 Basic Framework of a Genetic Algorithm 27.3 Simple Example of a Genetic Algorithm at Work 27.4 Modifications and Enhancements: Selection 27.5 Modifications and Enhancements: Crossover 27.6 Genetic Algorithms for Real-Valued Variables 27.7 Using Genetic Algorithms to Train a Neural Network 27.8 WEKA: Hands-On Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms Chapter 28 Imputation of Missing Data 28.1 Need for Imputation of Missing Data 28.2 Imputation of Missing Data: Continuous Variables 28.3 Standard Error of the Imputation 28.4 Imputation of Missing Data: Categorical Variables 28.5 Handling Patterns in Missingness Part VIII Case Study: Predicting Response to Direct-Mail Marketing Chapter 29 Case Study, Part 1: Business Understanding, Data Preparation and EDA 29.1 Cross-Industry Standard Practice for Data Mining 29.2 Business Understanding Phase 29.3 Data Understanding Phase, Part 1: Getting a Feel for the Data Set 29.4 Data Preparation Phase 29.5 Data Understanding Phase, Part 2: Exploratory Data Analysis Chapter 30 Case Study, Part 2: Clustering and Principal Components Analysis 30.1 Partitioning the Data 30.2 Developing the Principal Components 30.3 Validating the Principal Components 30.4 Profiling the Principal Components 30.5 Choosing the Optimal Number of Clusters using Birch Clustering 30.6 Choosing the Optimal Number of Clusters using k-Means Clustering 30.7 Application of k-Means Clustering 30.8 Validating the Clusters 30.9 Profiling the Clusters Chapter 31 Case Study, Part 3: Modeling and Evaluation for Performance and Interpretability 31.1 Do you Prefer the Best Model Performance, or a Combination of Performance and Interpretability? 31.2 Modeling and Evaluation Overview 31.3 Cost-Benefit Analysis Using Data-Driven Costs 31.4 Variables to be Input to the Models 31.5 Establishing the Baseline Model Performance 31.6 Models that use Misclassification Costs 31.7 Models that Need Rebalancing as a Surrogate for Misclassification Costs 31.8 Combining Models Using Voting and Propensity Averaging 31.9 Interpreting the Most Profitable Model Chapter 32 Case Study, Part 4: Modeling and Evaluation for High Performance Only 32.1 Variables to be Input to the Models 32.2 Models that use Misclassification Costs 32.3 Models that Need Rebalancing as a Surrogate for Misclassification Costs 32.4 Combining Models using Voting and Propensity Averaging 32.5 Lessons Learned 32.6 Conclusions Appendix A Data Summarization and Visualization Part 1: Summarization 1: Building Blocks of Data Analysis Part 2: Visualization: Graphs and Tables for Summarizing and Organizing Data Part 3: Summarization 2: Measures of Center, Variability and Position Part 4: Summarization and Visualization of Bivariate Relationships Index

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788126559138
  • Publisher: Wiley India Pvt Ltd
  • Binding: Paperback
  • No of Pages: 824
  • ISBN-10: 8126559136
  • Publisher Date: Jan,2016
  • Language: English
  • Weight: 850 gr

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    Read this in one evening. I had planned to do other things with my day, but it was impossible to put down. Every time I tried, I was drawn back to it in less than 5 minutes. I sobbed my eyes out the entire last 100 pages. Highly recommend!

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