In this first in a series of gritty, thought-provoking horror stories, William and Patrick are two desperadoes roaming the Old West, committing crimes of opportunity. They grew up together as orphans and have functioned as well-matched partners-until now. Patrick has suddenly shown great enthusiasm for murder, and his passion turns routine heists into moral dilemmas for William.
Their problems escalate when they attempt to rob a train staked out by US Marshals. William is taken hostage, and Patrick barely escapes with his life. As death approaches, "the smiling man," a demon with the power to stop time, appears and offers Patrick a classic deal: health, power, and revenge in exchange for the ultimate payment. Wanting to free William, Patrick accepts.
The train mysteriously derails, and Patrick liberates William and kills the marshals. But William deserts Patrick on horseback and takes refuge in a nearby town, where he's imprisoned for the train robbery. Infuriated, Patrick begins a quest to wreak revenge on William, and an intricate game of cat and mouse ensues.
When the two men finally come face to face, the demon appears again and offers another deal to both. Who will take the bait this time-and who will survive?
About the Author: A native and resident of California, Brady Goldsmith has always been an artist with a passion for comic books, movies, and horror stories. He has recently turned to writing to express the underbelly of human nature, probing the intersection of good and evil with tales such as
The Darkest Hour: Forsaken.