A peculiar boy with a remarkable ability.A secret society on a dark crusade.An extraordinary device that could change the world.
Fourteen-year-old Cody Caulder is a boy who longs to gain courage and discover meaning in his life, but time is running out for him. As he prepares himself for a new academic year, Cody realizes he might not have the chance to change, not before he messes everything up again.
When they arrive at a foreign boarding school, Cody, his twin sister, and new friends find themselves on an unexpected path filled with mind-bending twists of fate and decision. And a sense of wonder puts Cody's quest for self-discovery on hold as he marvels at the sights, sounds, and challenges of an extraordinary world ...
... one he never knew existed.
Join Cody and the rest of The Five for this incredible adventure. Take a Look Inside, then get your copy of Dark Revenant today!
Cody looks at me, gulps, and unwraps the mysterious package, revealing a flat stone. The stone's outline reminds me of the shape of South Carolina, with intricate designs and etchings of symbols on both sides. He opens the wrappings further, revealing words written there. Cody smooths out the paper and reads.
"You are not here by chance; you are here by design. It was no random stroke of luck that saved your family's future; you were chosen, like we were. They saw something inside you, something they could use.
"I hope the experiments are over, and that the stone you hold in your hand will mean nothing more than any other to you, or to them. But if they're still experimenting with kids' minds like we think they will be, then they're still looking for this stone. Keep it hidden here. Never speak of it anywhere within the compound. They are listening.
"Let them do their thing with your mind. If you don't know what that means, you probably soon will. Their equipment targets specific areas of the brain, which makes you more in touch with higher things-amazing, beautiful things-so don't be afraid to let them do it. Once each procedure is done, don't let on too much about what you see and hear. String them along.
"You'll make new discoveries every week or so, but keep the good stuff to yourself. Make something up if you have to. Doing so will keep them from messing with you and will keep both you and your parents safe. They know the results take time to fully manifest. Don't trust every being you encounter. Your awakening may attract a few of them. One of the good ones led you here, like it did us."
Cody trembles until I move behind him and pull him close. My hands steady his as I take over the job of reading aloud over his shoulder.
"The stimulated parts of our brains led us right to this rock when they sent us out looking. We could hear it; we could feel it; we could see it buried in its resting place beneath the
A friend finished this book, then gave it to me and insisted that I read it. I have to say I'm glad she did. I enjoyed this book and these endearing characters so much! I am VERY anxious to see where this story goes with the second book. I appreciated the diversity in the story itself but especially enjoyed it in the characters. Minority groups are poorly represented in today's YA fiction, so it was refreshing to see them here. Thank you for writing this story, Garek. -Amazon reviewer.
Garek straight up hits a grand slam with his intro novel "Dark Revenant." This book crackles with a sharp pace, rich, fulfilling descriptions, and an unforgettable grouping of characters in "The Five." I wholeheartedly agree with another reviewer that praised Garek for tackling real teen issues with caring knowledge and skill. Every act, every emotion is clearly related and wonderfully written. Bravo Garek! On to book 2!-Amazon reviewer.