Have you ever had the feeling that someone is using you?
Has It ever happened to you to choose something that after all you didn't want?
If so, in all probability, someone has used a seductive-persuasive power to address your choices to their own advantage.
Sure...there are people who have a natural ability to seduce (they are wolves).
There are other people who instead acquire the ability of seducing through mind manipulation system (they are also wolves).
And then, the others, who passively and helpless suffer (they are lambs).
That's the way things are, it's pointless to delude ourselves, that's the truth either you control or you get controlled.
In social interactions, either you win or you lose, to draw is not expected.
It's a story of a world made by wolves and lambs, and the only good news is that you can choose to play the role of the wolf or of the lamb.
In this work the author Stephen Appignani who has been teaching mind influencing techniques for 20 years, reveals us the most used and effective methods.
The first part of the volume examines persuasion, NLP and hypnosis principles.
In the chapter "what is dark psychology", ancient techniques and disciplines like animal magnetism and fascination are exhumed.
After having illustrated the tools, their use in different relational contexts is described.
In the chapter "to seduce" the different knowledge (NLP, persuasion, hypnosis) are integrated.
Finally, in the chapter "how to tame the others" we arrive to a full exposition of an exclusive method that permits to dominate in every interactive context.
This part ends with a short paragraph about "defensive manoeuvres". The last chapter faces the brain washing theme.
The most practical aspects are in the paragraphs: Mindfucking's weapons; sexual relationship.
But...I am a lamb, I've never read anything about psychology!
Ok...no problem, no need to be experts, the concepts exposed are simple yet powerful.
Now if you wanna become the bad wolf, click below, buy the book and read it, before you get savaged!