You Are About To How Exactly You Can Get People To Do Whatever You Want Any Time By Leveraging The Power Of Manipulation, Mind Control, Hypnosis, Persuasion And Other Dark Psychology Techniques To Your Advantage!
When you think about all the people you know that are extremely successful, what comes to mind? I know you see people who are incredibly good at selling their ideas and their image. They are so good at getting people to take action- whether it's the customers (to purchase a product), their kids (to behave), their partners (to love and trust them), recruiters (to hire them), the electorate (to buy into their ideas and elect them) and so forth.
In other words, these people are good at persuading people and for the time you've lived, you've definitely seen how successful, happy and satisfied you can be with this skill.
But like most people, you've probably asked yourself:
How does persuasion work?
What does it take to be persuasive, and how can I do it safely and effectively?
How do I get started as a first timer?
Are there any secrets and guaranteed strategies I can take advantage of?
What are the dos and don'ts of persuasion and manipulation?
Which strategies can you use that work all the time to bring results?
Indeed, no matter the situations we encounter in life, persuasion usually plays a critical role in the outcome, and if you're really hell bent on improving your life in all aspects, you couldn't be at a better place.
This book will answer all the questions above, and many more that you have had about the art of manipulation and persuasion- to give you a good understanding of the concept, and what you need to do to become a professional at persuasion, mind control, hypnosis and emotional influence.
Here is a bit of what you'll learn from this book:
- The basics of the art of persuasion, including what it is all about and how to master persuasion to get whatever you want
- The fundamentals of effective persuasive communication
- Relationship between hypnosis and mind control and how to use both
- How to remove fear from your atmosphere: A philosophical guide to mind control
- How body language works and how to use it like a pro
- Emotional or psychological reasoning that will get you fast results
- What more you can accomplish with efficient body language
- How to unleash the full power of hypnosis
- How the conscious mind is our everyday mind and what that relates to persuasion and manipulation
- How Neuro-linguistic programming works, including how to make the most use of it
- The tips and secrets of NLP that you can apply to get your way
- The secrets of state management- the foundation for happiness
- How to manage people perfectly
- How to build perfect emotions and psychology
- How to discipline your mind
...And so much more!
What 's more, this comprehensive beginner's book has been designed to ensure you spend the least time on the theory by giving you straightforward and concise details of what you need to know to spur you into action in no time.
Even if you feel that manipulation, mind control, hypnosis and NLP are foreign concepts that are just too much to grasp and apply, this book will break everything down using simple, straightforward language that you can start applying right away!
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