Discover How To Improve Your Manhood With A Few Easy Steps.
Males are obsessed with the size of their penises. Unless they are sporting a prodigious trouser snake, they'll want and need more. Thunderous Tootsie-Roll enlargement, enhancement, and general tweaking have been at the forefront of society for ages. The Romans, Egyptian, Somalians, and dozens of other civilizations doing their level best to grow an inch or two on their mighty Duck Call.
Now, after years of research, there is actually a book that can help you navigate the murky waters of your phallic centric livelihood.
How To Truly Enlarge Your Penis Without Falling For Scams.
Many Angry Aardvark advice books out there flaunt the idea that there's a buffet of possibilities readily available for men as far as penis enlargement goes. I'm here to curb stomp on that idea and give you the real skinny. The truth is that most methods and techniques have a miasma of hidden pitfalls. One false turn, one "pump" too many, a crank in the wrong direction and suddenly your Khal Drogo reaches the same fate as his TV counterpart; lame and dead.
Most methods available right now are nothing more than fancy cash grabs endorsed by creators without any medical knowledge. It's time to discover the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright batty of the bunch.
Grow Inches Right Away With Age-Old Methods.
This book was designed to show men how to truly improve their Wild Hog. To give them a clear roadmap through the many perils awaiting down that road like neutering mouse traps. A book printed with the guy in mind, brimming with valuable knowledge, dazzling tips, a ludicrous amount of scientific data and more stout staff scallywags than you can shake a stick at.
Learn from others' mistakes. Learn from verified doctors. Learn from legendary scholars and graybeards who have made penises there life's work.
Here's what you're going to get:
- A comprehensive Pecker Pamphlet.
- A hopelessly addictive narrative that will have you steamrolling through history.
- A perfectly researched tale on the woes of Dick, the trials Tiny Tim and the triumph of the Monkey Fist.
- Quotes from porn actress, porn actors, CDC spokesman, Robin Williams and more.
- Memos on the bizarre facts and historic swings of the Meaty Maelstrom.
- Analysis of humanity's phallic fixation.
- 21 ways, most natural, to get your penis into shape. To turn that weeping willow into a mighty oak.
- Health tips up the wazoo.
- The definitive answer on whether or not size really matters.
- You'll also get the Penis Tree, Witch Trials, Deals with Devils, Dirty Hollywood Gossip and an Orgy of two.
- Find out what the historic Pope sponsored Joust of Whores was really all about.
- And much, much, much, much, more...
Come on into this madcap tabernacle of curiosity and discover the good, the bad, the ugly and above-all the batty secrets about Penis Enhancement and how to enlarge your Pocket Jedi.