About the Book
This essay sheds light on the dangers of household cleaning products, explicates how household cleaning products can destroy your health, and reveals why you should never buy household cleaning products. Moreover, why mental illnesses have become prevalent among people is elucidated, the ample causes of mental illnesses are demystified, and how to effectively preempt mental illnesses is delineated in this essay. Moreover, the plethora of deadly disease causing foods that you should always desist from ever considering devouring are identified in this essay. Furthermore, how to substantially mitigate risks for succumbing to contracting deleterious chronic diseases by embracing a salubrious, wholesome, heart healthy, brain healthy, kidney healthy, anticancer, antidiabetic, nutrient dense, alkaline, antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory, raw fruitarian diet is expounded upon in this essay. The dangers of household cleaning products remains enigmatic to most people in spite of deleterious household cleaning products being disease inducing, birth defect inducing, respiratory system comprising products that are tainted with pathogens, neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine distributors, and other noxious ingredients, such as quats. Nothing salubrious can ensue from being exposed to these deleterious household cleaning products that adversely imperil your overall health. The irony is that even though "household cleaning needs can be met safely and inexpensively with a sturdy scrubber sponge and simple ingredients like water, liquid castile soap, vinegar, lemon juice, or baking soda for scrubbing grease and grime" ("How Toxic Are," n.d.), the average customer imprudently prefers to utilize noxious household cleaning products over leveraging safe cleaning products for sanitizing their home. Customers are acutely unaware of just how hazardous deleterious household cleaning products can be to usher into the household environment. Hazardous household cleaning products are imprudently profusely utilized by the average customer. Ample hazardous household cleaning products are tainted with irritants, pathogens, neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine distributors, and "volatile organic compounds" ("How Toxic Are," n.d.). Lethal household cleaning products can also contain other harmful ingredients, such as "ammonia and bleach" ("How Toxic Are," n.d.). In spite of how perilous these hazardous household cleaning products are to anyone exposed to them, customers continue to incessantly buy them. Most customers have imprudently become disinterested in safeguarding their health and are content with needlessly tainting their home environment with irritants, pathogens, neurotoxins, carcinogens, endocrine distributors, and "volatile organic compounds" ("How Toxic Are," n.d.). Much to the dismay of the health conscious individual who does not want to ever be exposed to toxins, customers ineffably love deleterious household cleaning products to extent that "the global household cleaning products market" ("Household cleaning tools," 2019) is worth over $30,250,000,000 ("Household cleaning tools," 2019). Unsurprisingly, in a world which ample customers do not value their sacrosanct health, the "global household cleaning products market size is estimated to grow at compound annual growth rate of 5% during the forecast period 2020-2024" ("Household Cleaning Products," 2020). Deleterious household cleaning products are abundantly found in the average customer's home. Household cleaning products can consist of "aerosol spray products, air fresheners; chlorine bleach, detergent, dish washing liquid, dry cleaning chemicals, rug cleaners, upholstery cleaners, furniture polish, floor polish, and oven cleaners" ("Cleaning Supplies and," n.d.). People are acutely unaware just how lethal these deleterious household cleaning products can be to their health in spite of their noxious chemical compositions. Deleterious household cleaning products are eminently toxic products.