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This essay sheds light on the dangers of drinking soda and diet soda, demystifies the health effects of drinking soda and diet soda, elucidates why you should never drink soda nor diet soda, explicates why you should only drink distilled water, and expounds upon how to optimize your overall health. Moreover, the myriad of simple to prepare and palatable healthy food recipes for longevity are demystified and the plethora of deadly disease causing foods that you should always desist from ever considering devouring are revealed in this essay. Furthermore, how to substantially mitigate risks for succumbing to contracting lethal chronic diseases by embracing a salubrious, wholesome, heart healthy, brain healthy, kidney healthy, anticancer, antidiabetic, nutrient dense, alkaline, antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory, raw fruitarian diet is expounded upon in this essay. The dangers of drinking soda are often grossly underestimated. Sodas are unhealthy, non-alkaline, acidic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, radical damage inducing, enamel eroding, cavity promoting, cardiovascular disease inducing, insulin resistance promoting, type 2 diabetes inducing, gout inducing, alzheimer's disease inducing, osteoporosis inducing, ulcer inducing, joint pain inducing, stroke inducing, fatty liver disease inducing, kidney disease inducing, insomnia inducing, high blood pressure inducing, heartburn inducing, brain tumor inducing, weight promoting, nutrient diluted, hazardous products that should never be consumed under any circumstance. Nothing salubrious nor beneficial can ever ensue from gulping downing sodas. Drinking sodas will not only adversely impinge on every facet of your sacrosanct health, but will also increase your mortality rate, decrease your longevity rate, ravage your DNA, unravel your chromosomes, shorten your telomeres, increase your likelihood of contracting a chronic disease. Drinking soda will also create an acidic microcosm in your body in which a tumor can ineffably thrive, prosper, flourish, and proliferate in. In other words, the dangers of drinking soda are eminently extensive beyond apprehension since they wreak havoc against every facet of your sacrosanct health and will decimate your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Humans are not designed to drink unhealthy, non-alkaline, acidic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, radical damage inducing, enamel eroding, cavity promoting, cardiovascular disease inducing, insulin resistance promoting, type 2 diabetes inducing, gout inducing, alzheimer's disease inducing, osteoporosis inducing, ulcer inducing, joint pain inducing, stroke inducing, fatty liver disease inducing, kidney disease inducing, insomnia inducing, high blood pressure inducing, heartburn inducing, brain tumor inducing, weight promoting, nutrient diluted, hazardous products and the ramifications of doing so can be life altering, especially if it culminates in you contracting a perilous chronic disease. The dangers of drinking soda should not be blithely overlooked since drinking soda cannot only induce cellular damage, free radical damage, telomere shortening, and accelerated aging, but can also draw forth a perilous chronic disease. Contracting a perilous chronic disease can easily shave off decades of your life it does not get reversed. Nothing salubrious can ensue from drinking soda and the dangers of drinking soda are extensive in nature since soda is an unhealthy, non-alkaline, acidic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, radical damage inducing, enamel eroding, cavity promoting, cardiovascular disease inducing, insulin resistance promoting, type 2 diabetes inducing, gout inducing, alzheimer's disease inducing, osteoporosis inducing, ulcer inducing, joint pain inducing, stroke inducing, fatty liver disease inducing, kidney disease inducing, insomnia inducing, high blood pressure inducing, heartburn inducing, brain tumor inducing, weight promoting, nutrient diluted, hazardous product.