Dancing in the Light of the Moon focuses on four middle-class children from Pune who are displaced and effectively orphaned after their mother and father are murdered by the Mumbai mafia. Over a twelve-year period, they struggle to reclaim their identity following this life-altering tragedy. Through the unrelenting efforts of these children to take control of their lives and destinies, we see the power of resilience.
This novel is a heart-wrenching tale of love, life, overcoming adversity, corruption, and evil, which provides an illuminating glimpse into the murky underworld of organized crime in South Asia. It celebrates the human spirit struggling to endure, against seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Inspired by true events, this story was based on the author Matthew Friedman's interviews with hundreds of people and extensive research carried out in different parts of India over a decade.
"As a writer, editor, and round-the-clock reader, I can say with confidence that 'Dancing in the Light of the Moon' is an absolutely riveting adventure story, infused with the author's knowledge of a world of which most of us are only dimly aware." Bridgid Dean (Writer and Editor)
"Dancing in the Light of the Moon represents a compelling page-turner, which takes the reader on an epic journey across India." Frank White (International Health Consultant)
"This was a satisfying, eye-opening tale of revenge, which also provided some armchair tourism-something I always love! Without hesitation, I would recommend this book to all of the readers in my life." David Harper-Smith (Human Rights Activist)