Just five minutes daily is all it takes to rewire your brain and unleash everything great in your life - and it starts with Gratitude! By practicing awareness of the positive things in life, we fight off the brain's natural tendency to scan for and spot the negatives. As a result, we train our minds to be more positive and thus, happier.
WRITE 5 GOOD THINGSWhen you write about a happy event, your brain relives that good feeling. And when you repeatedly focus on something that feels good, your brain rewires itself to do that more effortlessly in the future.
It takes about three weeks to start a new habit. When a behavior is repeated enough, the synaptic pathways in our brains tied to that behavior get used to being accessed. As a result, it becomes easier for impulses to travel along those pathways, and the action seems "natural."
PROVEN BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE IMPROVE RELATIONSHIPS: Gratitude makes us more careful, more trusting, more social, and more appreciative. As a result, it helps us make more friends, deepen our existing relationships, and improve our marriage.
IMPROVES OUR HEALTH: Daily Gratitude improves sleep, increases your energy levels, reduces stress, and can decrease blood pressure. There is even reason to believe. Gratitude can extend your lifespan by a few months or even years.
BOOST YOUR CAREER: Gratitude helps you network, increases your decision-making capabilities, increases your productivity, and helps you get mentors and proteges.
STRENGTHENS EMOTIONS: Gratitude reduces envious feelings, creates happier memories, and helps us bounce back from stress.
MAKES US HOT!: Gratitude "recruits" other positive emotions and forgiveness comes more natural. Also, negative emotions--like anger, jealousy, greed, and fear--fade. All this shows in your appearance.
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