Need a private secretary?
Need a record keeper?
Need a super organizer?
That is what lesson planners are for!
Without a doubt, lesson planners are pivotal to any classrooms: to the teachers at their desks, to the homeschooling parents sitting at the kitchen table or any inviting niche in the house. A day, a week, a month, a year planned out provide structure to learning and a blueprint to ensure that academic goals are met. Extra pages to jot down attendance, grocery lists, chores, and phone numbers, along with snippets of daily inspirational quotes make lesson planners a must-have for all who understand that organization must start first in your mind. Hence the yearly trial-and-error search for lesson planners that will work for them.
But how about the students themselves? As much as teachers are trying to organize the day-to-days of teaching, shouldn't students take ownership of their day-to-day learning and draft up their learning plan? They too need a private secretary, a record keeper, and a super organizer. If students are encouraged to be self-motivated independent learners, they need their own lesson planners, not just an empty blank sheet but a flexible yet structured pages that will give young minds something to start with. Along with fall, winter, and spring term calendars and daily schedules, pages to write down their memories and accomplishments, space to reminisce the learning of the day, place to jot down the books read, and a picture frame to paste or draw in their self-portrait will make the lesson planners a personalized learning diary that will be for keeps, not to mention a great record keeping log book for the mandatory 180 school days. Spaces for teachers/parents to provide their daily inputs as well as pages to provide the end-of-the-year assessments will further encourage a recorded conversation, making the book an interactive student-teacher lesson planner. That is what a self-motivated independent leaners need--a lesson planner that will be structured yet flexible and personal yet interactive.
VoilÃ?! Here in your hands is the lesson planner that encourages young learners to take ownership of their learning, not to mention finish the given tasks of the day. If you would like to keep a compilation of the daily plans, a student-driven record keeping log, a year's worth of learning diary memorable for years to come, provide your students with the right resource--The Dailiy Checkpoints from Start to FInish. With 180 days of daily checkpoints and space to personalize the learning diary as their own, students will be empowered with a lesson planner that will serve them well for the whole school year. Finally! A perfect lesson planner that will walk daily with motivated learners. Empower your students with a private secretary, a record keeper, and super organizer today!