The Cure for the Common Cold and Divine Healing of America:
Leadership Edition
The information in this course will fundamentally transform the way you understand and navigate the common cold, and all sorts of other constitution challenges as a Well being. It personally realigns United States citizens as to what we are, who we are, why we are, and honestly, will make you awesomely thankful, realizing the good fortune of our remarkable liberty and structural framework of governance, both individually and as an intelligent, peace-loving people.
The Cure for the Common Cold and Divine Healing of America is an Experiential Work of The Almighty University's Corvetta Lab Research Division. Our Quantum Harmonic Experiential Method, elegantly functions and produces Undeniable Results... because it maturely aligns in wonderment with natural systems, powers, and elemental forces that foundation and process quietly in ultimate efficiency and precision in the background of our individual lives and Living environment, and function perfectly as the Intelligent Design and Designer specifically created.
At Corvetta Lab, we choose to work alongside, learn, and be trained by The Almighty's delightful readiness to reveal just Who he is and the individual, practical, self-confidence he alone fortresses as to just how Awesomely Secure and Provisioned we truly are in his hands. You remember right? The Earth and Sea are his and he made them... and his hands prepared the dry land. He formed us too, male and female, to intelligently delight and prosper in his Awesome gift of Life and Creation.
To Him, solutions, resolutions, eradications, and cures to seemingly complex issues common to our shared human experience are child's play, if one would but humble themselves and take a moment to ask the only Expert who really has all the Answers, and has had them all along, since the very beginning of Infinite cognition.
Well beings are unique in all of His creation in that, he gave us the specific freedom to explore and understand individually, personally, the rock-solid perfection of his design, and his best functions and protocols for prosperous, abundant, exuberant life. When mankind truly seeks Him, he directs and trains up each one of us, in the ways that we should go and function uniquely, individually, autonomously. Only when mankind looks away from His direction for life and seeks mortal expertise and "leaders" to "lead" them... do things go off course, dysfunction, and lead to all manner of human and civil rights invasions and violations.
To the Faithful, always remember... The Almighty controls the hearts of kings, and only in the United States of America do each of us individually have the personal sovereignty to act specifically in good faith accordance with his divine direction and directives for each of our lives, and the greater autonomic voluntary coordination of those same good faith Well beings for expansive benefit, and United good... both individually and mutually beneficial in attainment. It's why those in Representative positions have no authority but to protect, uphold, and preserve that very individual good faith autonomy, and why The Constitution specifically restricts them from any greater control or power.
And while computers and technological advance are amazing achievements within His protective system, lighted boxes, whether "dumb" or "smart" will always stand subordinate to the infinite complexity and complexities uniquely reserved for Well beings and the Environment and Universe he has specifically created for Us, as we acknowledge and are satisfyingly nourished by such Intelligence, Gift, and lifestyle of infinity and mutually beneficial... masterful discovery. --MM