Cultown is the story of Thomas Swan, a charismatic figure who forms a cult called the Milinish. With an odd mix of scientific and religious beliefs, the Milinish begins in Sydney, then moves overseas to become the fastest growing cult in America. Yet Swan's mad reign spirals out of control. Finally, on the brink of disaster, he decides to tell all. Here, in the ultimate inside story, Thomas Swan reveals the secrets and scandals inside the greatest cult of the 21st century.
Cultown is interesting on a number of levels. It explores the psychology of cults: those who follow them and those who lead. Indeed it is written by the cult leader himself. The book also explores the battle between science and religion, over which of them has the right to define the nature and meaning of life. The book was written while its author was studying philosophy of science at university, and alludes to the work of science writers like Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, and others.
Cultown is also pure entertainment. Part comedy, part drama, it's a thrilling look at the issues that matter most.
Some reader comments:
'Exposes not just the cultishness of religion, but of science too. This is the best novel yet written on the trouble between science and religion.'
J. Williams, Fuse.
'I read it straight through in a weekend and finished it feeling invigorated and informed. A joy to read.'
Louise Brindle-Smith, HPST.
'A very unusual and most entertaining book ... shows an acuteness of perception and expression that is rare.'
Dagmar Lenzbruk, Universal Review.