About the Book
Raising a child helps us discover that parenting involves a whole lot of digging, not just through piles of mismatched socks, but also through layers of insecurities and heart issues that our children and we have. I will never have a place where I can say as a parent, "I have arrived!" No, this process of parenting brings to light my own emotional brokenness that God wants me to explore and bring to Him to remedy and make whole.
The process of parenting unveils our soul issues: insecurities, coping mechanisms, and even inherited weaknesses. Jesus Christ is our Vine (John 15:1), but sometimes we don't know how to tap into His peace-producing, energy-generating, transformative power. The journey towards soul health means learning how to draw on His sustaining power in a way that makes our daily crosses lighter. We often condemn ourselves for feeling emotionally burn-out or making poor choices that affect our kids, but God is whispering, "I know it's hard, but I am with you! I see you are trying, and I am your guide! You made a mistake, and I forgive you! I love you, and I'm cheering you forward!"
I hope you laugh more than cringe as I share stories of my life as a mom of six kids--my firstborn is twenty years older than my youngest! I've learned that the process of learning how to love my kids well is one of the most worthwhile missions that I can undertake. The beauty of parenting can be a process of brutally naked surrender to God, who affirms our efforts and gives us courage on a journey for which none of us are prepared.
Tina's is a sage voice. Every time I've spent time with her, I have left wanting more of God. She's lived through the hills and the valleys with the Lord and is a gift to the body of Christ to, now, share what she's learned there with us! -
Sara Hagerty, Author of
Adore: A Simple Practice for Experiencing God in the Middle Minutes of Your Dayand
Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World that Loves to be Noticed Cultivating the Souls of Parents is a blessing to read. Tina Webb writes with wisdom and grace every parent needs, speaking right to the heart with words of life and light. The call to cultivate our own hearts as parents so we can faithfully tend to our children is right on. Sixteen years in ministry to adolescents and their families brought me back to this truth again and again. Raising children is no quick trip around the block, but a long and challenging journey, and our children deserve our very best. Thanks to God, we can be immeasurably more, according to His power at work within us.
Tina faithfully calls us back to the source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control so we can be all God desires for us to be. To God be the growth and the glory! -
Keith Rogers, Life Groups and Growth Pastor, City Church
Tina Webb is a deeply spiritual, committed parent whose lens on faith and family challenges and inspires. All Christian parents need the kind of guidance, reassurance, and conviction she offers in
Cultivating the Souls of Parents.-
Mary Butler Coleman, Executive Director, City of Promise
Tina is the mother of six amazing children and has been a tremendous inspiration to my wife and me in our parenting journey.
Cultivating the Souls of Parents offers a comprehensive roadmap to the secret treasure buried in all of parenting: the opportunity for unparalleled personal growth and transformation.-
Rev. Dean Nelson, National Outreach Director, Human Coalition Action