About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Cryptography From the Publisher Chapters: Knapsack Problem, Enigma Machine, One-Time Pad, Kerckhoffs' Principle, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Decipherment, Key, Quantum Cryptography, Signals Intelligence, Security Engineering, Computer Insecurity, Digital Signature, Secure Cryptoprocessor, Security Through Obscurity, Vocoder, Unicity Distance, Code Word, Tokenization, Communications Security, Malleability, Scrambler, Compromise, Cryptochannel, Index of Coincidence, Initialization Vector, Passphrase, Plaintext, Encryption, Boolean Function, Trusted Computing, Password Strength, Electronic Signature, Randomness, Cryptographic Hash Function, Outline of Cryptography, Digital Credential, Commitment Scheme, Bent Function, Lattice Problem, Correlation Attack, Mental Poker, Pgp Word List, Quantum Byzantine Agreement, Proof-Of-Work System, Deniable Encryption, Friend-To-Friend, Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Id-Based Encryption, Verifiable Secret Sharing, Learning With Errors, Cryptovirology, Lamport Signature, Tamper Resistance, Burrows-abadi-needham Logic, Comparison of Cryptographic Hash Functions, One-Way Function, Ciphertext Indistinguishability, Blind Signature, Padding, Transient-Key Cryptography, Kish Cypher, Trace Zero Cryptography, Subliminal Channels, Salt, S/mime, Cryptographic Engineering, Clipper Chip, Strong Cryptography, Signcryption, Homomorphic Encryption, Forking Lemma, Feedback With Carry Shift Registers, Cryptool, Discrete Logarithm, Block Design, Symmetric Key Management, Proof of Concept, Array Controller Based Encryption, Password Authenticated Key Exchange by Juggling, Merkle Signature Scheme, Secure Voice, S-Box, Envaulting, Boneh/franklin Scheme, Eff Des Cracker, Multivariate Cryptography, Cocks Ibe Scheme, Wysiwys, Group Signature, Cardan Grille, Blom's Scheme, Determin... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=9256 Synopsis Chapters: Knapsack Problem, Enigma Machine, One-Time Pad, Kerckhoffs' Principle, Elliptic Curv