Traders and investors who have traded in stocks, currency and commodities often say that the crypto market is very volative and is the most unpredicatble market in the world.
While lots of money is at stake to be made, the strategic investor needs to smartly manage this unpredictbility to stay ahead of the game and be profitable.
Cryptocurrency is evolving into a multi-trillion dollar industry, and re-defining the future of the financial ecosystem of the world.
The purpose of this guide is to educate potential investors and crypto-enthusiasts. We hope this will help you make the profitable investments. This knowledge will save you committing mistakes that could prove costly.
Several cryptocurrencies have seen a double-digit growth within a short period of time. Risks are also high given that there is no central bank or government to alleviate the effect of a huge fall or crisis in the market.
To achieve good returns and succeed as a crypto-investor, you need a diverse, tested and smart set of strategies to ensure that you do not lose your hard-earned funds.
Due to the highly volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, they are not like normal investments in stocks or bonds. People are making good money off the volatility with wise decision making.
In this book, you are going to learn about how to make intelligent investments. You will also learn about the following
✓ The Strategic Cryptocurrency Investor
✓ The Best Trading Strategies and Tips
✓ Bold Predictions for 2021
✓ How to Get Cryptocurrency
✓ How to Store Cryptocurrency
✓ Cryptocurrency vs Traditional Currencies
✓ Making Payments with Cryptocurrency
✓ History of Cryptocurrency
✓ Top Cryptocurrencies in the World (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether. Polkadot, XRP, Cardano, Litecoin, Chainlink, Bitcoin cash, Stellar, Binance coin, Monero, EOS, Aave, Tezos, TRON, Dash, IOTA, Dogecoin, Dai)
✓ Investing in Cryptocurrency
✓ Reporting Cryptocurrency Scams
✓ Cryptojacking
✓ Factors to consider when choosing an Exchange
Learn before you invest and become make money from cryptocurrency trading.
Do you want to buy or learn about cryptocurrency? Are you looking to invest in cryptocurrency in a safe and profitable manner? Hit the 'BUY NOW' button to get this book.