Ladies and gentlemen, it's the lovely baby season!
You can see it in the crisp, pastel wallpapers and toys strewn across the room,
While hearing lullabies hum in dainty, velvety tunes.
Delicate and darling their dewy eyes may be,
But when those wails are set loose, there's bound to be a catastrophe.
Bringing a baby into this world can be an exciting ride for new mothers and fathers, but it is undoubtedly a lot of hard work-especially when we can't understand what our child is trying to say. They all speak in that one-worded, mind-boggling language that seems impossible to figure out. Their whines, whimpers, and screams are undeniably alarming, and yet no matter how much we lavish them with attention, they do it all over again.
The good news is that this is all completely natural, and we panic because we care.
The inability to soothe a baby's cries might lead some of us to toss away those dreams of becoming the perfect parents, but the truth is that each child is entitled to their own individuality at birth. They differ in levels of positivity and sensitivity, hormonal balance, and like us, a baby's temper can be tested when they feel uncomfortable or when they need something-crying is simply their only way of asking for help.
Don't ignore your baby's call, and try not to fret because feeling helpless might only jeopardize the relationship you have with your child.
Parenting was never an exact science, nor was it ever a competition. Keep your chin up, and read on!
A new and exciting story awaits you and your child, so be open to learn and grow along the way.
This book offers 11 simple and practical strategies for parents to understand and effectively calm The Crying Baby.