About the Book
2017 Edition. THERE IS SO MUCH INFORMATION THAT IT CANNOT BE FITTED INTO A BOOK. So there is also a multimedia resource. Using the QR code reader on a phone or tablet one can instantly download a free interactive digital color encyclopedia. Every Island, Every Tour, Every Anchorage, Every Walk, Every Dive, Every Animal, Every Regulation, Every Camp site, Every Boat, Every Room, Every Fish, Every Restaurant, Every Snorkel, Every Danger, Every Bird, Every Activity, Every Thing, Every Price, EVERY THING. - Videos - Photos - Maps - Sketches - Notes - Hyperlinks - Things To Do - Opinions - Blogs & Reviews The file contains links to thousands of useful pieces of information. Everything from the weather, the winds, Utube, the formalities and regulations, to blogs and photos, things to do, events, anchorages, the people, costs, the pilot charts, pirates, marinas, google earth, camping, cell phone coverage, walking, flights, ferries, nightlife, boatyards, history, repairs, currency, addresses, communications, repairers, snorkeling, fishing workshop, diving, flora, the animals, online charts, updates, the parks, local food, the restaurants, hotels and accommodation, Wikipedia, Noonsite, sailing guides online, diesel engine troubleshooting & repair, your float plan, every Gov Dept., the Nav Rules, Sailing Directions, etc. Using your phone or tablet you can email out of the book to the editors. Instantly see the actual site on google earth. We now also provide Vessel Traffic Service and more..... The text in the book is the current official Sailing Directions by U. S. Government Agencies. Contents Chapter 1 Off-lying Islands-West Coast of Mexico and Central America Chapter 2 Mexico-West Coast of Baja California Chapter 3 Mexico-East Coast of Baja California Chapter 4 West Coast of Mexico-Gulf of California Chapter 5 West Coast of Mexico-Cabo Corrientes to the Rio Suchiate