About the Book
This best-selling text provides a comprehensive analysis of criminological theory, crime typologies, and the criminal justice system. Renowned for its unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies and for its exhaustive research base, Siegel's CRIMINOLOGY, 10e, International Edition, presents cutting-edge, seminal research, as well as up-to-the-minute policy and newsworthy examples. This tenth edition is updated to address the latest topics and has been rewritten for clarity and impact. CRIMINOLOGY, 10e, International Edition, provides students with a gateway to online and multimedia resources that capture the immediacy of the field through videos, the Internet, and--to help students assess their mastery of key chapter concepts--CengageNOW?, the ultimate Web-based student tutorial. With its updates and array of supplements, CRIMINOLOGY, 10e, International Edition, presents a powerful set of teaching and learning tools for instructors and students alike. Key Feature Siegel focuses on showing students the connection between criminological theory and the formulation of criminal justice policy. Renowned for his unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies, Siegel strives to avoid ideological biases and encourages students to weigh the evidence and form their own conclusions. Popular and proven boxed features retained in this edition include "Connections," which help students link issues and questions addressed in one chapter to other topics in the text. Additional features include: "The Criminological Enterprise," focusing on important new research efforts in criminology; "Policy and Practice in Criminology," which describes crucial policy issues and innovative programs; "Comparative Criminology" boxes that compare criminological policies, trends, and practices around the world; and "Race, Culture, Gender, and Criminology" boxes that explore research on how diversity influences crime. Key topics in the text include elderly abuse, inmate re-entry, the effect of releasing large numbers of inmates into the community, acquaintance robbery, stalking, terrorism, controlling Internet crime, Internet securities fraud, the international sex trade, sexual abuse and prostitution, and specialty courts. New to this Edition Part III, "Crime Typologies," includes two new chapters covering emerging topics of importance in criminology: "Political Violence and Terrorism" (Chapter 11) and "Cyber Crime and Technology" (Chapter 15). New "Profiles in Crime" features present students with case studies of actual criminals and crimes to help illustrate the position or views within the chapter. These real-world profiles help to make the theoretical material more understandable for students. New writing activities linked to the text's "Thinking Like a Criminologist" features conclude each chapter to help students hone their writing skills. CRIMINOLOGY, 10e, International Edition, is unrivaled in currency. It incorporates cutting-edge, seminal research as well as up-to-the-minute policy and newsworthy examples. This edition features expanded coverage of many important topics, such as white-collar crime, cyber crime, and the causes of violence. To provide maximum learning reinforcement, each chapter now begins with numbered learning objectives that are carefully matched to end-of-chapter summary sections AND linked to corresponding quiz/test items in the accompanying Test Bank, Companion Website, Study Guide, and CengageNOW?. Table of Contents Part I: CONCEPTS OF CRIME, LAW, AND CRIMINOLOGY. 1. Crime, Criminology, and the Criminal Law. 2. The Nature and Extent of Crime. 3. Victims and Victimization. Part II: THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION. 4. Rational Choice Theory. 5. Trait Theories. 6. Social Structure Theories. 7. Social Process Theories. 8. Social Conflict, Critical Criminology, and Restorative Justice. 9. Developmental Theories: Life Course and Latent Trait. Part III: CRIME TYPOLOGIES. 10. Interpersonal Violence. 11. Political Crime and Terrorism. 12. Enterprise Crime: White-Collar and Organized Crime. 13. Property Crime. 14. Public Order Crime. 15. Cyber-Crime and Technology. Part IV: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. 16. The Criminal Justice System. 17. Police and the Courts: Investigation, Arrest, and Adjudication. 18. Punishment and Correction.