The Middle East is in turmoil with a huge social and financial gap between the mega-rich and the poor. Children die on the streets of impoverished Arab nations due to civil conflict and strife. Muslims fight against one another on grounds of religion, and desperately need a clearly defined leader to show them the way forward. Too often Muslims are wrongly accused in the media of being terrorists. Whereas, like all simple honest men, all they seek is a peaceful happy life. However, there exists the minority who will go to any lengths to establish Sharia Law in a number of regions, including Great Britain.
Our hero George Grisham, finds himself tangled in a web of deceit and counter deceit. Naturally he meets and falls in love with a young Arabic woman Najiba Fahrouk, an activist who fights for the rights of all Muslim women from around the world.
A continuous battle is being acted out between conservative Muslim men, and down-trodden Muslim females, as they struggle for a spiritual leader to come out of the wilderness. Najiba is that lonely voice, much to the chagrin of her father, the Arab billionaire Feisal Fahrouk, who, with others, seeks to unleash the Muslim Mahdi (Chosen One), upon a morally corrupt Western dominated world. This young man is here to unite Muslims from all over the planet. Then he discovers Najiba who he immediately wants as his queen. However, the course of love never goes the way you want it. George Grisham also falls for the dark and beautiful Najiba. Who will win her heart? The leader of the Arab World or an ex-Foreign Office hatchet man?
The only way to find out is to buy and read the book!
The pace of CRESCENT MOON is fast moving as events unfold rapidly. Grisham ultimately steps up and rises to the occasion-like a character out of a Die Hard movie but does he prevail?
As a work of fiction, the narrative is balanced, on one side the almost loan hero, and on the other, people who seek power for its own sake. There are those who are devout followers of the Islamic faith, then there are others who use religion to advance their own political ambitions... Enjoyable and worth the read.
Is George Grisham the new Lawrence of Arabia?