A better title for this book would be CREATIVE RELATIONSHIPS: THE IMPORTANCE OF MIDDLEPATH NONDUAL THINKING. Relationships are the foundation of marriages, families, communities, and our global human culture. When our relationships are healthy they promote happiness, bring a sense of meaning into our lives, and increase our ability to be loving and compassionate. When our relationships are unhealthy, they are a primary source of conflict and unhappiness.
The insights included in this book come from Dick Rauscher's twenty-five years in private practice as a NYS licensed mental health counselor, relationship insights drawn from the nondual thinking found in ancient Eastern spiritual practices, and from his own personal life experiences.
The author shows how virtually all relationship conflict is created when our dualistic primitive childhood ego unconsciously distorted reality by building "ego maps" that reflected how we thought the universe should work. The maps we created to navigate childhood are almost always based on our early childhood experiences and social conditioning, our unconscious fears around intimacy, our unrealistic expectations, and those life beliefs we assumed reflected absolute truth.
Unfortunately, the maps our ego constructed in childhood were not based on reality. They were merely a collection of "maps that reflected our "personality".
The material contained in this book are powerful spiritual practices designed to help you drop dualistic thinking and awaken to a nondual consciousness, intentionally grow in self-awareness, and begin building healthy relationship with those around you.
About the Author: Dick Rauscher is an experienced author, counselor, therapist, and life coach in the areas of authentic spiritual growth, self-help, and the evolutionary awakening of a nondual human consciousness.
Retired from 25 years in private practice as a pastoral psychotherapist, Dick is a certified Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church, a New York State licensed Mental Health Counselor, and is Nationally Endorsed for Counseling by the United Methodist Division of Chaplains and the Board of Higher Education.
Dick writes on the subjects of progressive authentic spiritual growth in the 21st century and the importance of replacing the dualistic thinking of our human primitive ego with a more awakened, evolved, and mature nondual human consciousness.
The primary focus of Dick's books and articles is on the intentional evolution and awakening of the human consciousness, the Primitive Ego Theory of Human Development, and increasing meaning in life by learning to embrace our life purpose.
Dick has both a lifetime of training and experience focused on helping people achieve happiness and meaning their lives. He offers one-on-one spiritual and personal growth life coaching.
http: //www.dickrauscher.com
http: //www.dickrauscherlifecoach.com