About the Book
Provides a practical, research-based source of ready-to-use tools for promoting the arts and other subject area learning for children from infancy through grade five
KEY TOPICS: Generic examples early childhood education, creative materials in early childhood, creative activities in early childhood, 21
st century skills, visual arts, drama, music and movement, arts education, education, teaching, curriculum, art activities, creativity, arts integration Book specific examples Creativity, arts-based learning, arts-based lesson plans, arts-based integrated units, creative arts, visual arts and creativity in early childhood, drama and creativity in early childhood, music, movement, and dance and creativity in early childhood, technology and creativity in early childhood, assessing creative learning.
MARKET: For teachers and others involved in helping all children from infancy through grade five, including those with diverse needs, learn in, through, and with the arts
About the Author:
Joan Packer Isenberg is Professor Emerita of Education at George Mason University, where she also served as associate dean in the College of Education and Human Development from 2003-2011 and as the founding director of the Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning (ASTL) program from 1999-2003. She is past president of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators and was the 2006 recipient of the Early Childhood Teacher Educator of the Year Award from NAECTE/Allyn & Bacon. Isenberg also served as the first visiting scholar for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) from 2002-2003. For most of her academic career she has studied and written about early childhood curriculum, play, and arts integration, particularly as they affect children's learning and development. She has taught children from preschool through grade four in both public and private settings. Among her numerous authored or co-authored publications are
Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning (6
th edition 2014),
Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education (4th edition, 2012),
The Master's Degree in Education as Teacher Professional Development (2012, Rowman & Littlefield), and
Major Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education, (2nd edition, 2003). She currently is doctoral affiliate faculty with the Union Institute and University.
Jennifer L. Durham is a certified K-12 special education teacher. She is currently the Curriculum and Technology Coordinator at the Lab School of Washington. Dr. Durham is also a professor at American University in the School of Education, Teaching, and Health and a supervisor of student teachers. Her work at American University focuses both on formal and informal assessment and the preparation of special education teachers to be able to use multi-sensory, project-based, arts-integrated learning in their teaching practices. She received her bachelor's degree from Austin College in Sherman, TX; her master's degree from American University in Washington, DC, and her Ph. D. in special education and arts integration from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Dr. Durham has been a public school teacher, an owner of her own private educational consulting company, and has completed over 120 hours of professional development in arts integration through the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. With Professor Isenberg, Dr. Durham completed a four-year study of the effects of an arts integration program on school culture in selected schools in the Washington D.C. area. She has presented at several conferences on the Power of the Arts in everyday learning.