Book 1: "Open Our Open Eyes" beautifully visualizes St. Mark Chapters 1-10. It guides us to transcend physical barriers with spiritual insight, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the obstacles obstructing our perspective. This transformative journey fills us with inspiration and hope.
Book 2: "David and Goliath Revised Edition" visualizes David's anointing by Samuel, David playing the harp before Saul, David standing strong before Goliath, and David, as a child, defeating Goliath, a giant.
Book 3: Three Miracles and An Anointing Revised Edition" visualizes three significant miracles performed by Jesus- healing the nobleman's son, a paralyzed man, a woman with a blood issue, as well as the anointing of Jesus by a woman. These stories are about miraculous events and teach us about faith, compassion, and the power of belief.
Book 4: "The Making of the Humility Sandwich Revised Edition" visualizes Jesus as a C.H.O.S.E.N. example of humility in Philippians 2-5-11.
Book 5: "When God Calls" visualizes how God interacted with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus Christ, and how the covenants allow us to visualize personal relationships with God as our Father.
Book 6: "Music in the Air" visualizes the familiar Scriptures, authenticating the birth of Jesus Christ while the angels declare His glory.
Book 7: "Easter: This is the Time to Celebrate Jesus, Our King" combines shorter skits into one play, captivating the audience with its engaging visualization of Jesus' baptism and resurrection. This captivating nature of the books ensures an entertaining and enriching experience for the readers.
Additionally, these books are designed to help kids between the ages of 3 and 12 remember the Scriptures. Original accompanying music and instrumentals are also available for purchase separately. Depending on your time frame, children can perform shorter skits or longer 45-minute dramas. This educational value of the books ensures that readers, especially parents and educators, feel informed and enlightened.