Through my adventures over the past couple of years, I realized there are three fundamental areas where I've spent the most time working, and they're not what you may assume. When I started my business, I thought tweaking the details of my website, and generating quality content would be the most time-consuming part of my new career, but that was small potatoes compared to other aspects.
Within the Creative Badass Challenge, you're not going to find tips on which marketplace to host your products. You're not going to find out which company is the best place to host your own website. There is no information about which is the best social media platform. In the grand scheme of your creative life, these things are tiny in comparison to the real concerns.
The purpose of this workbook is not to show you technical or tactical how-tos for your business, but instead, give you tools for managing an entire life of choices, both in your professional, and personal life. The work you do within these pages is not something that shifts over time. These are tried and true methods for making serious change. I have applied all these lessons to my own creative life, and I can say without any doubt that these tools have made me the success I am today.
Now, success is relative, and what I consider successful may not be the same as you, but these methods are proven by many others who have found their creative freedom, some of which are wildly successful by any measure.
The Creative Badass Challenge is about taking responsibility for ourselves, and taking action on the parts of our lives that we control. If the world is not fitting our vision, then we change it, and we do it with repeated actions from lessons learned within these pages.
I invite you to join this challenge and start taking charge of the creative life you deserve.
About the Author: Dave Conrey is an artist and designer who spends most of his time hanging out with other creative business owners. It's his passion and purpose to eliminate the "starving artist" mindset from the vernacular of the world, and does so by writing about it. Conrey's books focus around marketing and branding for artists and makers because he believes the world needs a creative revolution to get back to a time when craft and handmade were more important and essential than the manufactured garbage.