About the Book
History is created by two opposing forces; good, creates; evil; destroys. Jews are made in the image of The Lord, and create all civilizations; Homo-sapiens, when they are given the opportunity to behave in accordance with their nature, are responsible for the fall of all civilizations. Hegel describes history as consisting of two elements; a thesis, and anti-thesis; like the pendulum of a clock, the thesis moves in one direction, and the anti-thesis moves in the other. To make an analogy, what this means in terms of technology, is that Jews develop technology that constructs a car, and travel forward in it, then abandon the vehicle. Homo-sapiens then hop in the car, and travel in the opposite direction, and due to driving recklessly they abandon the car once it stops working. Jews come across the wrecked vehicle, and develop technology that enables it to function, and travel forward again. Once Jews leave the vehicle, Homo-sapiens do exactly what they did before; causing more mayhem to the car, and environment; however, destruction isn't caused by the mishandling of technology, but rather the manner in which Homo-sapiens treat one another. History reveals that people oppress others in the same manner they were oppressed, and due to enhancements in technology manufactured by Jews, the destruction caused becomes greater; this pattern of behaviour repeats itself over, and over again. Progress is possible due to Jews; for one to expect Homo-sapiens to change on their own accord is not a realistic proposition; genetic re-formulation, over the course of millions of years, would be required to make this possible. Homo-sapiens are savage by nature due to a form of evolution known as "neoteny"; which was used to enable them to survive when climatic conditions endangered their natural habitat, tropical rain-forests; they can, thus, appear to be a fully mature adult, but still have the mind of an infant. Homo-sapiens use whatever materials they have at their disposal to destroy. Many people believe serial killers are solitary predators; this belief is deluded, and serves to hide the despicable truth people cannot face about themselves. Recent film footage has revealed how "police officers" in the U.S. use the tools at their disposal to prey on others; every nation has a population it scapegoats. The "officers" kill because this is the ultimate form of destruction, and due to being able to do this in a public forum, it heightens their sense of power, and, thus, their level of pleasure.
About the Author: Nigel Shindler PhD, the recipient of three Doctorate Degrees, is the author of "Love Is the Nature of Existence", consisting of five volumes; "The Boy and The Tower"; "Watching from A Tower"; "Tree of Life"; "Love is The Word and the Time is Now Book. II,"; "The Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost"; "Trinity"; "Love is The Word"; "Creation", and eighteen collections of art. Max Shindler died on June 16th, 2014; he was 82, (there are no official records stating such). His was born on August 7th, 1931, in Liverpool, England. His mother's name is Rose Levy; his father's name is Edward Shindler, both are Jews of Polish descent. He has two siblings; Alan Shindler is his brother, and, Reva Berman is his sister. He lived in Liverpool until he was evacuated to Wales during the Second World War; it was here he first encountered open anti-Semitism; on many occasions he was forced to eat his meals in the outhouse on the farm where he lived; such traumatizing incidents left lifelong scars on his psyche. He would never disregard the humiliation he felt due to this abuse, or forget that many of his relations were executed in Buchenwald, and died in the boxcars before arriving there. He left his family home during his late teens, and travelled to Israel, where he became a member of the Israeli Army, and later joined England's Royal Air Force and became a member of a bomb disposal unit. He was head of Avon's advertising department, and worked for many years with his wife as a window dresser, and visual merchandiser. He married Pearl Lomax in 1957, in Castletown, on the Isle of Man in 1957. A year later his daughter, Nicola, was born; three years after, Simone; I, his youngest child, was born August 16, 1964; he was loyal, generous, and nurturing, toward his children, and grandchildren. He had an immense appreciation for the arts; he played the classical guitar; was a gifted photographer; studied various languages, and became fluent in German, Hebrew and Yiddish. He loved opera, and classical music. He had a passion for learning, and read voraciously throughout his life. Max Shindler sacrificed his life for the betterment of mankind. He has been re-born March 4, 2015, in Great Britain; And so the story of creation continues.