Are you looking to create positive change in your life? Personally, or professionally? You may understand what you need to do, but just can't quite create the habits you need to do it? This book will help you move from the frustration that this can cause and help you take giant steps towards fulfilment. Positive psychology, motivational talks and mindset books all give great information on what you need to do to think more positively and change your life, but not many tell you HOW! This book is different! The single most important thing that Iain Highfield, the author of this game changing publication says he has learnt on his journey to helping some of the best male and female athletes in the world create higher performance is that willpower does not work. If you truly want to make positive change and move from frustration to fulfilment then you must change your environment. Making changes to your environment, business or personal, through engaging in the practical application of the tasks that this book provides will create the positive change you desire for your business or your life. Change your environment, change your mindset and ultimately change your life.
Iain Highfield is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple tasks that can shape human behaviours, increase performance and drive positive change. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand, very engaging and very practical guide for making good habits and creating positive change.
'Creating Positive Change' will educate and inspire the reader with true stories from some of the most inspiring humans, athletes and business minds to ever grace the planet. These stories evolve into practical tasks that you can use to shape your environment and drive the 8 critical success factors that create positive change.
Goal setting
Process focus
Creating positive change will reshape the way you think about success, and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your environment, your mindset and eventually your life - whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to be a better version of themselves.
Martin Hall, host of Golf Channel& School of Golf.
Iain's passion for high performance is infectious, and he is very knowledgeable on the subjects that he speaks on. This is why we invited him to appear on NBC's golf channel and give our viewers an insight into his excellent work.
Iain's approach to high performance coaching is innovative, and something I wish I had been exposed to as a young athlete. This book will revolutionize the practical application of performance coaching.
Yael Averbuch, 26 caps for USA Soccer - Iain's knowledge on the science of learning and human performance is changing the way golf is practiced. The environments he teaches coaches to create and players to immerse themselves in lead to the development of high-performance habits and positive changes in mindset. Simon Dyson, 6-time winner on the European Tour