What makes you special?
Perhaps you are a talented portrait photographer who always sets people at ease. Or a creative financial guru constantly asked for budget advice. Or a blogger who always seems to know the next big thing before it hits the Internet.
Whoever you are, you have something special to offer. You have a unique set of skills, experiences, talents, and passions, and if you use these correctly, you will find success.
But how do you let people know what you have to offer? Marketing. And what exactly are you marketing? Yourself.
With over twenty-five years of experience in marketing and branding, author Debbie Cummings shares her own special toolbox in her book, Creating a Personal Brand Called You. Guiding you toward your own personal success, she explains the branding process in practical terms that meet you wherever you are in your journey.
Discover how to turn your passions and talents into a real business, how to differentiate yourself from others offering similar services, and how to finally bring your career dreams to life.
You are just steps away from success-let Creating a Personal Brand Called You show you the way.
About the Author: Brand and business builder, Debbie Cummings, has spent over twenty-five years as a marketing professional. Throughout her career, she has developed marketing and branding strategies, planned and executed new product launches, and initiated targeted marketing initiatives. Her long list of clients includes companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Cellular One, Cincinnati Bell, ZoomTown, TKR Cable, InterMedia Cable, Bright House Networks, and Hermann Engelmann Greenhouses Exotic Angels.
Cummings holds a BA in public relations from Eastern Kentucky University and an MBA with an e-business specialization from the University of Phoenix. She's received several business awards, including Marketer of the Year for outstanding marketing initiatives and growth. An advocate for good physical health as an essential part of a successful life, she is also an AFAA-certified personal trainer and a JNL master-certified trainer.
In Creating a Personal Brand Called You, Cummings further shares her marketing expertise to help anyone who wants to build a successful career.