A wise man once told me, "My ability to earn would be directly dependent on my ability to 'creatively' solve client problems and to help people make better decisions." I've taken his words to heart and worked diligently to make in my writing and client engagements!
As committed business owners and professionals, we are paid for our ability to creatively solve our client's problems by providing services or products. As innovative leaders, managers, owners, sales professionals, or even association executives, 'creativity' and/or innovation is our stock-in-trade as we serve and solve our numerous client and membership needs. The tools, tips, and techniques shared in 'CREATE!' and my 'Why Didn't I THINK of That?' can be applied in at least three directions:
- Problem-solving and decision making
- Strategic planning for business and career enhancement
- Tapping your inner genius or Creative S.O.U.L.
It has been my experience that the 'tools', tips, tid-bits, and techniques in this little guidebook will help you in the process of defining the direction and outlining the creative process you need to 'successfully' reach the goals you set for yourself and your respective teams.
These creativity tools are 'essential' in helping you birth your dreams or in solving perplexing problems for your clients/customers and/or members you encounter. They can better help you form, train, and lead your teams.
We created this min-edition with a focus to help fellow leaders blend creativity into their leadership styles; and to assist business owners and managers blend creativity into better attracting and serving their prospective clients and leading their teams. Enjoy!