There are numerous pills, diet drinks, and healthy living techniques out there promising a "healthy you." Despite that, many still find good health out of reach.
But what if there were a simple path you could take to bring about that well-being we all admire? That's what Carol Merlo, MEd, a twenty-year veteran of the health and wellness industry, offers in her new book, Create a Happy Body. You'll discover it is possible to feel good, stay motivated, avoid the doctor, and more by following her steps to a healthy mind and body.
Merlo lays out material gathered over twenty years to provide you with a clear path based on eight key areas of health and well-being. She gives advice on how to deliberately choose better health habits while guiding you to discover the relationship between your emotions, thoughts, and health. Questions like how much water you need to drink and what you really need in a dietary supplement are answered as Merlo shares her golden keys of abundant wellness.
Mind-body connection, digestion, health supplements, and hydration are only parts of the puzzle to healthy living. You will also find out what parts recreation, relaxation, respiration, and inspiration play as you follow Merlo's road map to healthy living.
About the Author: Carol Merlo, MEd, has twenty years of experience in the health and wellness industry. She has trained thousands of people in the United States and Canada in leadership and entrepreneurship skills. Her education in psychology and adult education benefits her as she empowers others to find the personal transformation needed to become healthy, making a positive difference in people's lives.
Merlo is the author of a number of books, including Create a Happy Body: The Golden Keys to a Lifetime of Wellness, Healthful Fats, and The Amazing Healing Power of Plants.