COVID-19 AND I: Killing Conspiracy Theories highlights the author's thoughts on the current Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and how its global social-economic impact has affected him. The book was inspired by a higher need to respond to queries, observations, and actions from a cross-section of his social networks worldwide.
People are worried. People are scared. People are vulnerable. People need counsel. People need leadership. People are losing hope. People are confused. People are questioning faith. People are in the dark. People are torn between superstition and science. In the absence of levelheadedness, in the prevalence of unhinged national political leaderships and as delirious global trendsetters, people are dying needlessly in the world today.
In this book, the author writes to help alleviate fear, inspire hope, and fortify faith in the good of humanity and, yes, God in all her manifestations and interpretations. He does this by sharing thoughts that reflect his philosophy of life influenced by his social upbringing, academic and professional training, and his disposition towards critical thought.
The joys, trials, and tribulations of his life have long taught the author to fear not the unknown. Higher formal education has taught him how to seek information, decipher and analyze it, discard the irrelevant, pick out and apply the relevant and true as to his goals.
After reading, allow yourself to learn and be inspired to define your own truths and, with that, contribute to the growth of uplifting, life-sustaining knowledge for humanity today and tomorrow.