You want the freedom that comes from controlling your life. You also crave joy in life; the type only achieved when you accept and learn to love and honour yourself.
You can achieve ALL these goals with the newest release from Susan Ball; Courage And Grace. Based on her personal experience and practical coaching she leads women recovering from domestic violence, to discover their courage and embrace their grace. In her book, she guides you on your continuing healing journey, to move you from the place of feeling broken to an empowered, healed woman, who embraces the blissful life she has created for herself.
This book is built around a very clear, concept: Surviving is not enough! If you have always craved more, follow Susan as she guides you to grow, stepping into the life you create as a strong, thriving, and valued individual.
It's not just about moving from the level of a victim, or survivor, to thriver. You have the right to a great life and by learning to believe in, embrace, and love yourself, warts and all, is the foundation of Susan's Broken to Blissful program. When you leave the victim'hood behind and embrace your goals and aspirations, you change and so does your life.
This book covers the crucial steps to be taken to support and rediscover your dreams, reclaim your goals, and finally rejecting the notion that being a survivor is as good as it gets. It isn't. If you're craving more from your life today, it's time to step into your courage. Your only risk is success. There is no advantage to staying stuck in the victim'hood. If you're feeling the need to grow, change, or just be more, this book will give you back the grace that was always in you.
In Courage And Grace, you'll find the bases covered, giving you everything you need to know to rediscover the woman you were born to be. And, you'll learn you are much more than you've been told. Now it's time to embrace who you really are. Recover your tough, smart, resourceful, and strong blissful thriver, and create a life far and above the victim'hood you have endured until now.