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Have you ever been to a couples' therapy session or ever thought of giving it a try?Do you think that your mental and physical health is affected by the status of your relationship?Couples therapy isn't just for failing relationships.
Even if you trust your partner to be faithful, loving, and committed, you can still benefit from a trust tune-up.
Even if you appreciate your partner and they appreciate you, you can still benefit from reconnecting every now and then.
Even if you don't think you need couples therapy, you can benefit from everything it has to teach you, from staying strong when times get tough to savoring the joyful moments together.
Relationships need to be nurtured, and couples therapy can help you figure out what your unique relationship needs to thrive.
Maybe you've thought about therapy for couples in the past, but you didn't think it would work for you. Maybe you didn't want to share your troubles with a total stranger.
In order to further strengthen your relationship and prevent any divorce or breakup from occurring, there is no "best" behavior that partners can adopt because each couple likely has their own unique way of bonding. For certain couples, this might involve playing a sport together, enjoying board games or practicing the guitar. For some, when gazing up at the night sky or lying in bed at night, it could be a long talk that deepens their understanding of one another.
Inside this book, you will learn about:
What works in couples therapy
A look into integrative behavioral and emotionally focused couples therapy
Exercises to build and enhance intimacy, appreciation, and understanding
Sex therapy with a sensate focus
Imago therapy
Partner yoga practices that can strengthen the romantic bond
Myths about couples therapy
Mindfulness as a tool to strengthen the relationship
How to effectively communicate
The formula for staying together
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