★Are you looking for ways to save your relationship?
If yes, then keep reading!
It's easy to miss one aspect in today's world of dating television shows, mobile applications, and romantic comedies: relationships are work. We never swipe correctly, fall in love, and live happily ever after. And when things get rough, it's easy to throw in the towel, suggest, "It wouldn't have worked out anyway," and step on―rather than do the work to learn how to maintain a relationship.
But it's worth protecting your relationship. You've got past. You've been through a lot together―a lot of relationships over the last few years or even decades before you came to this stage. Your partner loves you more than anybody else, so they're going to be there for you when no one else would.
This book covers:
✓ High Conflict Couple
✓ Conflict Couple Relationships
✓ Conflict Management in Out of Control Emotions
✓ High Conflict Couple Divorce
✓ Couple Conflict Resolution
✓ Couple Conflict Management
✓ Codependency
And Much More!
★Conflict with your spouse can make you feel assaulted or endangered, helpless, and fragile, which may make you panic and retreat. When something that your spouse does annoy you, and you feel like you're under attack, you're less inclined to react constructively, so you're more apt to return to old standbys like silent treatment that can eventually do more damage than good. Eventually, that would lead the relationship to break down entirely.
Focus on where you don't want the relationship to stop, struggle, and allow frustration build-up, you'll find yourself where you don't want to be-either in a miserable, unfulfilling relationship or totally apart from the spouse. If you work on dispute management and evolve together, you'll get the results you expect.
"Buy now" and start looking at ways to save a relationship.