Part I: Cosmopolitanism
Yves Charles Zarka - Cosmopolitanism and Politics: the Foreigner, the Migrant, the Refugee.
Jean-Pierre Cléro - May Bentham's Critique of Human Rights be Applied to a Contemporary Expression of them?
Adam Diderichsen - The Right to Travel between Cosmopolitanism and Imperial Ideology
Rebecka Lettevall - The stronger the patriots - the weaker the migrants: Cosmopolitan perspectives.
Part II: Aspects of Migration
Lars Erslev Andersen - The Neglected: The Consequences of the Syrian Refugee Crisis for the Palestinians in Lebanon
Iryna Ivankiv - Visa Restrictions as an Obstacle for International Development.
Katarzyna Sadowa - Migration and the Risk of Increasing 'Honour' Violence in Europe.
Part III: European Court of Human Rights
Maxim Timofeev - Drawing Lines in the Sand: The ECtHR Scrutiny of Immigration Policies.
Emnet Berhanu Gebre - Human Rights facing Terrorism: A Lose-Lose Situation? A problematic trend for the observance of the principle of non-refoulement.
Camille de Vulpillières - Human rights or Humanitarian Rights: in which Way does Migration impact Human Rights?
Part IV: Migration and Public Opinion
Olga Breskaya - Democratic Values of Young Belarusians and their Attitudes towards the Right of Refugees.
Drago Zuparic-Iljic and Margareta Gregurovic - Public Opinion on Refugees and other Migrants in Croatia: Contesting Security vs Humanitarian Discourses (up to 2 graphs and 2 tables).
Barbara Gornik - Migration, Human Rights and Nationalism: Implications Revealed through Slovenian Public Opinion (up to 10 tables).
Part V: Citizenship
Oleg Bresky - Multi-level citizenship in Eastern European Internal and External Policies (3 tables/images).
Mari-Liis Jakobson and Leif Kalev - Migration and Postcommunist Citizenship in the EU (1 or 2 tables).
Mogens Chrom Jacobsen - Citizenship, Open Borders and Human Rights.