About the Book
(1st black & white illustrated edition). Near Death Experiences have been experienced by many in modern & ancient times. This study presents these ancient cosmic treks as they are found in testimonials, writings, art works, rituals, beliefs, mystery plays, movies, & legends. Some of the basic elements to Cosmic Treks are the beings of light & love often encountered. In some cases, the tunnel of light is passed through. An encounter with deeds done in mortal-life, called in ancient times the weighing of the soul on the scales. In modern times, its called "the life review." This is where every thought & deeds, with the consequences caused in others, called "ripple effects," was seen & experienced in order to see the sum of choices made, & how good or bad deeds affected others. This life review is often described as a panorama 3-D type movie in full color. Also, as part of the learning process, the deeds done to others, good or bad, are experienced by the one who did them. The pain caused, the goodness caused in others, as if being inside the persons things were done to, in order to experience how they felt & how the deeds affected their lives. Another lesson learned is an encounter with loved ones not yet born, as with those who had passed on before. The pre-mortal existence, or pre-existence themes include the concepts of the return home, or the return to glory, of going back to a realm that we came from. Return to God who gave us themes, also mentioned in scriptures. In ancient texts, it's often called the return to glory, or "sent ones," being sent down from heaven, or "going down." Other aspects of the journey include going to see what is happening in the invisible world, (for mortals), as it is taking place all-around mortals living out their mortal lives. This is where spirits, having not passed on to paradise, or the lower realms, attempts to communicate with loved ones, or those around them, but find that they can't, except in rare cases. In some cases, these spirits are trapped to the consequences of their deeds done in mortal life. Or they are trapped by their desires, habits, lusts, or addictions. In some cases, they're hanging around their old haunts, or places they lived in, when they were in their bodies. But, now disembodied spirits, they are invisible to the living that have taken over their places of residences. In some cases, these spirits are being influenced by the fallen angels, & even join forces with them to try to tempt & to get mortals to follow their evil ways. There are ancient & modern cases where these spirits seek to enter into the bodies of mortal in order to feel, again, the passions, habits, & lusts of the flesh that they crave after. Thus, the aura, halo, or light that surrounds the mortal body, radiates according to the degrees of righteousness, or wickedness of the persons that are either protected, or subjected to being momentary possessed by these spirits seeking to use bodies to experience mortal experiences & vices. Music is also part of the whole drama, as different ones in the heavenly realms tell of hearing heavenly up-lifting music. Different types of music can also bring in spirits into the places where the music is being played, or listened too. Good music is said to ward-off evil spirits, while bad music brings them in. Bad music can also keep out good spirits too, for the music creates feelings of good or bad energy & creates influences upon those who listen to the different types. Beings, or spirits that are at different levels of progress towards becoming more like the good angels, who are becoming like the good gods, & goddesses. Or encounters with those who are retrogressing down to becoming more & more like the fallen angels, the demons. In ancient times, this is called the two ways, or demonification, completely opposite to theosis, deification, or becoming like the god(s). Cover art, Hieronymous Bosch, 16th c. Ascent of the blessed into paradise. DARELL THORPE, 12-14-201